[centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmQxMTAxYi5RWFJvWlc1aElGWmhiR1Z1ZEdsdVpRLCwuMAAA/overdose.regular.png[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1oytazZDC1r83779.gif[/img][hr][hr][/centre] Athena didn't like this; she didn't like it one single bit. It all felt much too... [i]convenient[/i]. Even if it was a human structure, why was it so close to where they crashed and why was it abandoned? It still appeared to be in working order and the outside didn't seem to betray any long-past conflict. So there must have been intelligent humans to have made it but where they were was the question that kept hammering into her head. She hated logic but she was a cynical bitch and things rarely, if ever, had good outcomes. It definitely wasn't supplies but her and Brains were radically different, she supposed. He was a mindless rebel and she was involved in organised crime. Where he united people and saw hope in even the bleakest of times, she took advantage of other's misery and relished in hardship. It was interesting that he even chose to regard her, given the fact that she challenged him to execute one of the other Juvies but then again, she had most of the group's firepower. Her mind was so lost in presumptuous thoughts that she failed to notice Legs and some other kid sprint off down towards the structure. She only began to notice when the screaming started. It came out of nowhere, a storm birthed from deadly silence and for a brief second, Athena was caught up in the confusion but her mind righted itself and she made sure she was in no immediate danger before reaching for the rifle on her back. Flicking it to an active state, it began to hum with new life as Athena crouched to one knee and peered through the scope, scanning the trees. What she found confused her to no end. A white haired girl, appearing no older than them, was curiously hugging the edge of the trees on the far side of the clearing. What was strange was the bow clutched in her hands. If they had the technology to build the structure in the centre then why the hell would they need bows? The girl paused, fixed her bow round onto her back and reaching for her hip, produced a large tusk that apparently was also a horn of sorts, given the loud noise that echoed through the forests. Athena had a sneaking suspicion that they were about to become heavily outnumbered with no strategic advantage whatsoever. Aka, they were heavily fucked. Growling, she kept her eye locked on the scope and watched as the white haired huntress put away her horn and produced a mean looking knife before advancing forward, directly towards her fallen hunt. [color=firebrick]"Fuck! We're never fucking listening to J again! Go North he said! We could have fucking stayed at the ship and standed a chance!"[/color] She burst out suddenly, throwing the rifle to the ground and turning in disbelief. She knew what she had to do, she just didn't want to do it. Mainly because she didn't give a shit about what happened to Legs. [color=firebrick]"Brains, take the rifle. If that bitch tries to kill us, make sure to leave a sizable hole in her chest."[/color] Ducking down, she made certain of the presence of Leg's knife before she set off down the hill, moving at the same pace as the white haired huntress. When she reached the kid who had run down after Legs, she pointed back to where the others had gathered in silent command and moved onwards, a frown setting on her face. She reached Legs before the huntress did but the girl seemed to stop anyways, her head tilting in silent confusion as Athena took her place over the fallen Juvie. [color=firebrick]"Unless you want to die. Don't even fucking breath."[/color] She whispered down to the girl who she had previously threatened to kill. She hated doing the exact opposite of what she originally intended. It was bad for her image. Turning, she regarded the curious girl once more. [color=firebrick]"We mean you no harm. My friend here had no intention to offend."[/color] She murmured, her voice soft and reasonable. The girl didn't respond at all and only turned her eyes towards a spot in the treeline. Other horns suddenly sounded, quite a lot of other horns, and within a few seconds the treeline was full of warriors of all shapes and sizes. One thing seemed to unite them, however - they all looked violent and particularly angry. They must have easily outnumbered them twenty to one but that didn't interest Athena. What interested Athena was the beast of a man that was advancing on them by horseback, his bare chest exposing a gallery of tattoos and scars. He would have been hot if it wasn't for the monstrosity that followed behind him - the beast from earlier.