[center][h1][color=lightgreen]Riley Walker[/color][/h1] [img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lumtv1dBWh1r0qgrqo1_500.gif[/img] [i]Location: Jake's Café Interacting With: [@Anima]'s Kimberly Thatcher, [@BeautifulSnow]'s Vanessa Von Strong & [@Meiyuki]'s Alyssa Paige[@Damo021]'s Miranda Burke &[@smarty0114]'s Avalon Jones[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Riley would lean over stealing a glance over on Kim's phone seeing her texting her sister and giggled slightly they were twins and both of them were cute and adorable. She looked to towards Alyssa and then Kim once more she wanted to go out on a run with her two best friends and finally decided to go with it. [color=lightgreen]"I'll go with you two on an evening run then, just text me whenever you decide to go and i'll be there."[/color] Riley said with a bright smile, then came the new guest Riley eyed Avalon up and down she was really sexy but decided to not say anything about that part. [color=lightgreen]"Go right on ahead, we don't bite well maybe Alyssa here she likes biting the new girls."[/color] Riley said with a laugh as she gestured towards her fellow brunette. [color=lightgreen]"It's nice to meet you Avalon, pretty name by the way. I'm Riley, yes it is the name of the BnB just down the road my father decided to name it that after I was born. Vanessa here is the owner and a family friend of mine, over there is Kimberly."[/color] Riley said with a smile then she turned around as she heard the door open and saw Miranda entering Vanessa's restaurant and smiled at her friend as she approached them. [color=lightgreen]"And the last member is Miranda, her parents own the auto repair shop about a block from here."[/color] Riley said as she finished her introduction.