[center][color=00746b][h1]Alexandria Lucia Robins [/h1][/color] [img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/6755b822c49546057adee9c70c3052e6/tumblr_molsu3KIho1qln4e1o1_500.gif[/img] [i]Location: Red Lake Café Interacting with: Aron & Gage [@BlackPanther], Morgan Thatcher [@Anima] [/i][/center] [hr] The amazing taste of the sandwich filled her mouth as Alex took a bite, the sauce dribbling down her chin. A happy smirk spread across her face as she realised how much of a mess she was making, but the sandwich was unlike anything she’d ever tasted. The beef was so perfectly cooked and spiced, and the bread toasted just right. She placed the sandwich down on the plate and took a sip, the only words she could use to describe the food floating in her head [i][color=00746b]“Oh my god.”[/color][/i] She looked down at the sandwich and picked it up once again, dunking the little piece of heaven in the broth cup and taking another bite, quickly wiping her face with a napkin. Before long, she had come to the last bite, which was both amazing and terrible because it meant the sandwich was no longer there to eat. She gobbled up the last piece as another girl walked in and savoured it for a good minute before washing it down with water. She made a mental note to leave an extra big tip. Damn was that good! She pushed the plate back with the biggest grin on her face and wiped her face off with yet another napkin before looking up to see a new face approaching her. She smiled gently and listened to the little ramble she had before nodding slightly. [color=00746b]“Yes, there is indeed a yellow jeep outside with music cases in it. Trumpet and tenor saxophone, the rest is in the moving van.”[/color] She looked back to the jeep and smirked to herself [color=00746b]“If you give me a second here, I can show you if you want.”[/color] Alex stood up and was about to walk over and pay her bill, but stopped. [color=00746b]“Oh my god how rude of me!”[/color] She said, turning back to the stranger [color=00746b]“Alexandria Robins, just call me Alex.”[/color] she smiled and put a few bills down on the table: one for the meal itself, the other two as tips for both of the twins. She called out to the pair before walking out the door to show Morgan her instruments [color=00746b]“Thanks for the awesome meal guys. I will be back!”[/color] She wandered outside with Morgan in tow and popped the clips holding the first case shut open. [color=00746b]“This here, is my tenor sax. I was in jazz band before high school.”[/color] Inside was a [url=http://bassic-sax.info/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Yamaha-Custom-Z-Tenor.jpg] beautiful black tenor saxophone[/url] with brass accents and patterns. The instrument had slight signs of wear, but was otherwise very well taken care of and almost looked brand new. Alex looked at it and smiled, remembering some of the moments she’d had with it. She then moved over to the second case and opened it up [color=00746b]“And here is [url=http://web.a-znet.com/~jstockham/Photos/Conn80A1.jpg]my trumpet.[/url]”[/color] Inside this case was a standard brass trumpet, but with a twist. Covering most of it’s surfaces were engravings, showing Alex’s artsy side. [color=00746b]“There’s also my drum set and keyboard in the van, I’ve gotta set up my studio in the new place. Lotta work to be done.”[/color] Alex looked up to Morgan [color=00746b]“Do you play?”[/color]