[center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/36aaf0da34ccc1ffcc2ab81855c0dd4a/tumblr_mpbm691otr1qmvldwo7_250.gif[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Charlie%20Alexander&name=Sears%20Tower.ttf&size=75&style_color=00A6FF[/img] [color=deepskyblue][h3]Obstacle Tower ~ Camp Half-Blood[/h3] [sub] Interacting With: Arianna Louise Watson([@Vicier]) Peter Hasselbaink([@Gowia])[/sub][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=deepskyblue] Charlie grinned at Arianna's question, and looked around making sure that they weren't going to be overheard. He looked over at Peter. "Tell anyone about what I'm about to say, and I'll end you. I'm serious. If either of you even leak this to the Aphrodite kids, I will unleash the wrath of Olympus upon you," he said with a steely glare. Charlie could be intimidating when he wanted to be, although it was kind of hard to be intimidated by him when he was about to start talking about his crush. He shook his head and chuckled before finally spilling the beans. He looked over at Aella for just a moment before looking back to Peter and Arianna. "It's the new girl. The Roman. She's, I don't know, there's just something about her," he said, staring off into the air for a moment before snapping back to reality. "But enough about me. Let's give Peter here the lay of the land. Cabins first then the infirmary. You'll probably be spending most of your time there these first few weeks," he said with a grin, remembering his first few weeks at camp, years ago. [/color] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/540e009da5ab97ff4a991f8b7bd55063/tumblr_inline_nss5wdSV9R1qlt39u_500.gif[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Jess%20Merrimont&name=A%20little%20sunshine.ttf&size=85&style_color=61F294[/img] [color=mediumspringgreen][h3]Obstacle Tower ~ Camp Half-Blood[/h3] [sub] Interacting With: Aella Lorraine Stedford([@Vicier]) and Elena Reese ([@Nallore]0[/sub][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=mediumspringgreen] Jess smirked a little at Aella's barbs. [i]She's a fiery one[/i] Jess thought, grinning to herself. But what truly surprised her was her question. Blonde guy with grey eyes, could be any of the Athena kids, but when she followed the Roman's gaze, she figured out pretty quickly who she was talking about. [i]Oh my gods! She likes Charlie![/i] Jess began to laugh. She couldn't help it. This warrior queen of a girl, who could probably just look the right way at a guy and get him to ask her out, had a thing for mild mannered and completely oblivious Charlie. And Jess was thrilled. "Him? That's Charlie Alexander. Son of Athena. He's an interesting choice, gotta say. I'd love to tell you more but I'll leave that to Elena. I have a quest to pack for." she said, looking up at Aella and waving to Elena before walking off to her cabin to get packed. Jess wasn't a Daughter of Aphrodite, but she couldn't resist some fun matchmaking. Especially between the ever oblivious Son of Athena, who she'd been trying to set up with some of her half-sisters for a year now, to no avail. [i]I always said that the boy needed a girlfriend. It'll get his head out of all those books.[/i][/color]