[h1][center][u][color=92278f]Alyssa Paige[/color][/u][/center][/h1] [center][img]https://secure.static.tumblr.com/ce24285573575e9d33566d04f3ab5c2d/28meprp/CwUn5dyu5/tumblr_static_tumblr_static_d7x1atl8mo840g000g4o04skk_640.jpg[/img] Location: Vanessa's diner Interacting with: Riley [@Nallore], Miranda Burke [@Damo021], Vanessa [@BeautifulSnow] and Avalon [@smarty0114][/center] [hr] Alyssa grinned at Riley's introduction, might as well play along, it wasn't like the new girl could find out she was gay in five minutes anyway. [color=92278f]"I bite softly though, never had any complaints right girls?"[/color] She winked at Kimmy and Riley in turn. Her grin widened as Mirianda arrived on the scene. Alyssa had be concerned she might be working, but was pleased to be wrong. [color=92278f]"Hey Miri! Glad you could make it."[/color] She gave her a quick hug. Alyssa grinned over at Vanessa. [color=92278f]"So if you're coming are you gonna bring food? I'll go in for ingredients if you cook!"[/color] Alyssa was quite enamored with Vanessa's cooking, and was currently suffering from a beautiful delusion in which she got to eat it all weekend. [color=92278f]"Pretty please?"[/color] She batted her eyelashes.