[@Draconequis] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=7821&s=55&t=Megan&c=4169E1[/img] [Hider=HANOVER][img]http://images.coilhouse.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/zst1_2.jpg[/img][/Hider] [img] http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=7821&s=55&t=Sprite&c=4169E1[/img] [Hider=Stats] [H2]NAME : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]Megan Emmeline Arcadia Hanover / Sprite[/color] [H2]GENDER : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]Female[/color] [H2]SEXUALITY : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]Bisexuality[/color] [H2]AGE : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]16[/color] [H2]YEAR : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]6th[/color] [H2]HOUSE : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]Ravenclaw[/color] [H2]BLOODSTATUS : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]Muggle/Squib[/color][/Hider][/Center] [center]========================[/center] [color=AFEEEE]"I know it wasn't A good suggestion but being exposed to the presence of the restless dead gives me a strange perspective on it. If I had a twin though.......sorry, stepped in it didn't I? You're like my sister sometimes and I can't help but meddle"[/color] said Meg in soft apologetic tone Megan sighed and grabbed her book bag and drug out several respected and expensive books that contain information on NEWT and OWLs along with study guides. Then there are the DADA books along with a treatise of the Art Duello. Better potions and the Kitchen, all three books. [color=AFEEEE]"I thought I'd bring a few light reading books, I have even more in the bag. I thought as I read them I could put them in the house private library for everyone to read. I know they're expensive but dad insisted I have any book I wanted so I really pushed the cart an he didn't bat an eye, I should have gone for a car"[/color] grins as she settles back to do some reading before bed