And here's my "genetically modified" Short-Faced Bear character. May make a smilodon character or someone of the like one day... maybe. [hider=Brutus] [b]Name:[/b] Brutus; "Bruticus" Brutus was the bear's original name given by his human owners. As an adult, he was then named Bruticus, for his incredible might against any who dared to stand against him. Various wolf packs and even other bear species had given him the name for his veteran status as a hard fighter, beating some of the strongest "champions" who dared to try and take over his territory. [b]Genus and Species:[/b] -Species: [i]Arctodus simus[/i] (Short-Faced Bear) -Average Height: 10 - 12 feet (3.04 - 3.65 meters) tall on two legs -Average Weight: (Male) 1,200 pounds (544 kilograms); (Female) 1,050 pounds (476 Kilograms) -Typical Appearance: Dark brown fur encompass their whole body, as well as a tan T marking on their face, going down the middle and branching off around the eyes. This tan fur also covers their underbelly. [b]Approximate Age:[/b] 17 years [b]Appearance, Description and Gender:[/b] Standing at a 13 feet tall and weighing around 554 kilos, Brutus is an elder bear who still has plenty of muscle to spare. He is a muscular one as well, with hefty arms, ragged claws, and scars littered all over his body. Many can be found on his sides, as well as on his front arms, hind legs, with a cut by his left eye. His right ear also happens to be slightly chipped off as well. His paws are around 14" long, with a single claw being 6" in length, providing some nasty hits if it hits the facial region of his opponent. [b]Alignment and Personality:[/b] Brutus would consider himself as a True Neutral. He may look and sound opposing and scary towards smaller animals at first, but he mostly just keeps things to himself. He isn't a big fond of visitors, but basically, as long as you don't bug him too much, he won't retaliate. Simple as that. He only gets aggressive if those do not heed his warning to stay away or if they want to gain his territory. If so, he will not hesitate to push them out, sparing their life, or ultimately kill them if they have been too vile for his likings. Yet, in rare instances, if someone nearby is in any need of help, Brutus may come to help the animal in a pinch, though its usually revolves around other bears and some felines. [b]Classification and Faction:[/b] (TBH) [b]Background and History:[/b] Bruticus was genetically engineered in a lab, which was experimenting on bringing back extinct animals back from the past. As the only bear species of his kind, he was kept in a research facility by good owners, who took care of him as a cub. He was well-cared, well-fed, and generally had a good life with them, being named Brutus. He and the owners often visited bear reserves in which he got to socialize with other bears, including; Grizzlies, Brown, Polar, Black, and various other bears. As a cub, right into his later adolescent years, he would play and wrestle with the other bears, often coming out as the victor. This would prove to be a technique that will come much later into play... After the extinction of humankind, Brutus, now 7 years of age, was forced to leave home and survive out there in the wild. Despite being a "pet" to the owners, like all wild and exotic animals, the rules of nature did not exactly vanish from his mind. His first instinct was to find a home for himself, eventually finding a nearby subway in which he calls his home for now on. At first, there were many rival animals, including other bears, that tried to take his territory, but Brutus' skills in wrestling and fighting as a youngster had eventually payed off and was able to kick out any intruders that tried to take his newly acquired home. Ten years later, now into his early elder years, Brutus is a bear of legend. The surrounding neighbors, which included other bears, traveling herd animals, and wolf packs, had eventually given him the nickname of 'Bruticus" and the name has been spread around ever since. Some find him a source of evil, others find him a benevolent protector, while in reality, he's just doing what he wants. He's surprisingly not as violent as other bears around the area, only fighting if it threatens him or his territory. [/hider]