I'm sure Botan would be a good advocate for Kurama, I think she wants him to be happy and honest and I feel like at some point, Kurama has to feel a little bad about being so deceptive when it comes to his mother. He probably doesn't need to go into too much detail with his power or his past with Yoko, but I feel like she'd be grateful that Yoko was able to help give her a son and to look after her. It just bums me out when you're so hard on yourself and sometimes I feel bad when you compare us, when we're a team. :/ I know you're a fantastic writer and I just hope you know that you're one too. And now....eeekkk! A post! Yay! Something to do tomorrow at school! i think it's good he intuitive. It looked like a very good post to me, though the color red is a bit tough to see. Maybe try a light green or orange? I'll likely get something up tomorrow during my 4-5 hour chunk of class time since taking notes is a drag.