[hider=Benji] Name: Benji Tenaka Age: Mid Twenties. Color:39b54a Gender: Male Height: 5'10 Hair Color: Black(Shoulder length hair tied with a blue ribbon in a tight tail.) Eye Color: Brown(with tones of amber and yellow in direct light.) Skin Tone: Tan Personality: Benji is the quiet type, he doesn't speak much and keeps mostly to himself. Unless the moment requires it. He can often be found staring into the pages of a leather bound book and much prefers to keep his own company. There is a sense of loss or loneliness about him and it is mostly the look in his dark eyes that brings this on. Though the few that have witnessed his smile swears it is like dawn breaking after a long night. History: Benji's origin story is a mystery to everyone that cares to look, even to himself. He doesn't remember anything other then the last four years of his life and he is on a personal mission to find the answers to the questions that haunt him in his nightmares. Shortly after waking up barely alive and badly injured in a dark back alleyway, Benji discovered he had a knack. A quite surprising knack considering the condition he woke up in. He discovered this quite by accident one night as he was caught trying to steal some food. Benji could fight and he fought, though weary with hunger he was still able to win his freedom and leave four dead bodies in his wake. That night he ate well, the killing didn't affect him much and with a full belly and clean clothes he set out on his journey of 'self-discovery'. And that is how we come to his occupation. Occupation: Mercenary, Assassin, Body-Guard, if the price is right Benji is the man for the job. Dress and Possessions: Benji wears a dusty long coat of a sturdy yet light weave and an unassuming gray. A sleeveless dark leather petty coat and well worn boots make up the items of his permanent attire. Shirts and trousers come and go as the seasons pass or need arises. He carries an old pack that seems to hold more then its size would rightly permit. Also to be found on his person but likely never to be seen are various blades of various sizes. Benji also carries with him the equipment for hunting when he ventures out. His prize possession though is an unique sword that he acquired on the job, his first to be exact. It is also how he came to his name, or at least the name he holds now. The curved steel blade is sharper than any razor and though the hilt and scabbard are plain, it is very clear to any who see the blade that it has value. Very few ever see it though and fewer still live to talk about it. Sheathed the sword looks like a curved cane. The name, his name now, was written on a sash of deep crimson that had been tied to the scabbard. [/hider]