I don't think Yoko and er Shuichi are the same but I do feel they understand each other the best now than at any other point in their life on earth. I think Yoko used Shuichi to heal and get stronger but then just saw the guy's mother is a nice lady with bad luck and wanted to help. And I think in a way, Yoko gives Shuichi a backbone he lacks, where Shuichi gives Yoko some humanity and so I think by now, they could be seen as the same person, but I do think at times they would still fight for dominance. XD 13 and then 3 huh? Dang, not even at least 4-5 to at least give half what you gave? That's kind of funny...in a weird way lol Hopefully the subject and plot make up for the casual level. Well to me, there is no gap between us, that's all in your head, silly! I am glad you're getting better with the confidence/writing though, each day is progress. :3 Oh yeah, def better than ok. I know it's hard to write as clever or super intelligent characters but I also find that challenge to be fun. But thank god we have the internet and can use it to our advantage in instances where we do wanna sound smarter than the average bear haha.