Lmao I know Hiei wouldn't CARE, but to see Kurama with Botan might be an odd pairing choice to him. Maybe it's because Yoko was against any sort of laws and Botan tries to uphold peace and balance. People change, but still, talk about a bit of irony. I try to start conversations but it can't be helped. Maybe they'll warm up to me soon ;3 In some crazy AU they're probably kicking it together: Kurama and Shikamaru playing Shogi/Chess and Botan/Sakura just ...I don't know...girl things. xD Oh, no, I'm way overdue on sleep actually. As of right now, I've been up for 24 total hours with no sleep, and I've got class in about several hours so I should hit the hay myself. Good luck tomorrow <3 EDIT -- Lol I confess that I did not reread anything I wrote for the post because I was tired, and I see a couple mistakes I made. Agh, cringeeee. I also see how rough the color font is on the eyes on a college monitor. Sorry again xP