[hider=Royal][b]Name:[/b] Royal It's a name she remembered her previous owner had given to her as a cub. Based off her species that was sometimes called 'Royal Bengal Tiger' to go along with her somewhat regal looks. [b]Genus and Species:[/b] Panthera tigris tigris Height: 3 Feet to the shoulder Length: 3 meters in length [M]. 2.5 meters long. [F] Weight: 200 – 230 kilograms [M]. 130 – 170 kilograms[F]. Typical Appearance: Most of this species is a orange color with distinctive black stripes that are like fingerprints to a human. White underbellies and around the chin with long tails, round ears and amber eyes. However, this species also in a rarity comes in whitish color instead of the orange. Along with blue eyes instead of amber. Most of this rarer coat has pale orange flecks inhabiting the white fur, especially the more cold the environment gets. [b]Approximate Age:[/b] 3 Years old. [b]Appearance, Description and Gender:[/b] Standing 3 feet in height to her shoulder, weighing a hefty 160 kilograms and 2.5 meters in length, Royal is a muscled eyepopping female. She is of the white Bengal variety, a rarity indeed. Black stripes decorating her white-greyish fur. The upper half of her body where the orange for regular Bengal's is more lightish grey then white, while her underbelly is a solid white like most of her kind. Light brownorange flecks do decorate along her spine, her haunches and shoulders. Along the tip of her round ears that sneak out from the black strip rimming. Rosy pink nose and icy blue eyes. She has deep scar along the muzzle that goes just below her left eye and to her jaw. Along with some scratch marks on her right shoulder and left haunch. [b]Alignment and Personality:[/b] Neutral Good is what would probably be the best way to describe Royal. She holds no malice to prey or carnivore and just does what she can to survive and be part of the circle of life. She does not fight or kill for fun, but she doesn't quite hesitate in doing so she can eat or defend herself. If she isn't hungry when she sees prey, she won't hunt. Nor will she actively attack something unless given reason to. Royal holds a great sense of respect and her own sense of honor. She respects every life to the best of her abilities and if she is done a favor, she will happily repay it in whatever form. However she doesn't much enjoy involving herself in others 'turf' wars. She's happy with the territory she has and isn't eager to expand and demolish other contestants for more. She will defend what is her own however. Royal does tend to have a sense of curiosity and will often poke at strange items just lying around that 'humans' have left behind. [b]Classification and Faction:[/b] TBA [b]Background and History:[/b] Royal remembered a strange place as a cub. A desolate building full of strange smells. Perhaps once used long ago for some strange medicine. Outside there was a large piece of land, fenced off from the rest of the world. Her mother looked odd, not like Royal at all indeed. No fur except from on top of her head, walked along on hind legs. Royal had no idea why they were different, and no matter how she tried, her mother never seemed to understand her. Royal couldn't understand why, for she felt like she could understand mother. But there were others like her, other little cubs to play and wrestle with. To get stronger for the life that was ahead of her. One was a cub as black as night, they called him Bagheera. Mother said it had something to do with something she liked watching a long time ago. Another brother of ours was one colored of gold named Leo. For some time they were in their sanctuary, playing, and hunting down mice. When they were bigger though, old enough to hunt at least, the gates opened, and mother was no where to be seen. Leo and Bagheera instantly left, curiously exploring the outside world. Royal however, did not want to leave. Mother was no where to be found. The tiger searched, called and roared, but there was no answer. Unsure if this was a way to kicking her out to live out on her own or not. Eventually, she too left. So began the solitary life as a tiger. Life was hard. The world was hard. Hunting was hard. She had to learn the hard way, had to let instincts take over as victory and failure came and went. Her playtime turned into combat as she had to face against other predators that dared attack her. Some were packs of wolves, some were bears, some were other felines. Most fights were pretty brutal, especially against the bears and males of the felines. Wolf packs were quite annoying if they wanted to be, but at least they could lead to a decent meal if she killed enough. Eventually she found her own piece of territory in a city park with a lake, managing to defend against threats. It is struggling by herself however at a young age and at times she barely scrapes by. Depending on her luck. Occasionally though, during patrols, she does take a moment each time to check to see if she can spot someone familiar. A brother, a mother.. but to no avail.[/hider] Hope it's okay