[color=00CED1][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjY2LjAxODJkNS5RV3hrWlc0Z1UyVmlZWE4wYVdGdS4y/enchanted-land.regular.png[/img][/center][/color] [center] Thursday March 21st, 2016 [@Ally610][@Undying Curiosity] [/center] [hr][hr] Alden just watched her draw nonchalantly, an abstract doodle of sorts. It looked fairly impressive might he say, and while Alden strived for perfection in every field, he wasn't a very good artist so he never really practiced that. She looked displeased with the drawing as a whole, ripped it and threw it aside, "Mina. Mina Cain." she said in a monotone voice, she really was an ice queen. [color=00CED1]"Well, it's a pleasure."[/color] Alden mouthed before turning to the front of the class once more, [color=00CED1]"I adore the symmetry of your drawing by the way, it looks almost perfect. Oh, and weren't we suppose to start the project?"[/color] "Alden, to get you to stop talking, please give me a short description of the work of Michaelangelo." the teacher called out from the front, in a slightly agitated tone. [color=00CED1]"Yes mam."[/color] Alden replied, getting up and fixing his clothes and posture, [color=00CED1]"Michaelangelo was born in 1475 and died in 1564, he was a renaissance sculptor, painter and architect. Michelangelo is often thought of as embodying the spirit of the renaissance. His greatest works include the statue of David and his painting of the Sistine Chapel. His creation of the sis-"[/color] "Alright, that's enough, sit down." she said, cutting him off and waving him down to his seat. [color=00CED1]"Before that, I'd like to tell the class a little something. May I?."[/color] he said outloud, and after the teacher nodded her approval, he turned around and slammed his hand on the table. The noise resounded throughout the room, and cut the low whispering amongst his classmates. [color=00CED1]"Quit staring. I'll be blunt, it's tiresome and quite frankly, [i][b]annoying[/b][/i], if you've got something to say, say it to my face."[/color] Alden announced, hints of irritation present in his tone and connotation of his words, with his face contorting into a glare, his teal eyes seeming to glimmer whilst looking straight at them. He was getting a bit tired of his classmates staring for, really, no good reason. He turned back around and gave the teacher a smile before sitting back down. "Alden, I'll talk to you after school." the teacher said, her fingers massaging her eyebrows, it seems like she had dealt with Alden's headstrong nature in the past. The class was dead silent now, a few wearing surprised or vexed expressions. Alden's smile to himself arched just a little bit higher. He also glanced at his left hand, it bled a little from hitting the cracked part of his table, and with an eye twitch he chose to ignore it since he didn't have any cloths to wipe blood, and chose to have his hand hang on his left despite being in full view of Mina's gaze.