[b]Name:[/b] Nomad Nomad acquired his name from his endless wandering, having never claimed or set territory for himself and instead drifting along with no particular direction. The name was giving to him by a wolf pack oddly enough, after they had come across and failed to catch him several times in several different locations that were far between each other. [b]Genus and Species:[/b] Eudorcas -Species: Eudorcas thomsonii -Average Height: 55-82cm -Average Weight: 15-25kg(F), 20-35kg(M) -Typical Appearance: Light brown fur with white underparts, black stripes on their sides, and long, pointed horns with slight curvature. The white patch never extends farther back than their tails. [b]Approximate Age:[/b] 3.5yrs [b]Appearance, Description and Gender:[/b] Standing at 67cm and weighing about 23kg, Nomad has a slender fame with the usual light brown fur pattern with black stripes and white underbelly. 20cm horns protrude from the top of his skull angling back a bit with a slight forward curve near the top. There are white patches of fur around his eyes that extend down his snout to just below his nose and connecting to the patch that goes down the bottom of his jaw and the front of his neck to meet with his underbelly, black stripe also extend from just below his eyes fading into the white as they follow down his snout. There is an almost hidden scar just under his right eye following the black stripe for about 6cm [b]Alignment and Personality:[/b] Chaotic Neutral. Nomad largely has no care for what happens to other animals, usually following wherever his hooves take him. He does not often go out of his way to avoid other animals, however, and this is not to say he isn't friendly when dealing with them, those that don't immediately try to eat him that is. Nomad has an unusual wanderlust, which is the main reason he doesn't claim territory or avoid the territory of other animals. His sense of curiosity has a tendency to override his sense of self-preservation, often causing him to wander into dangerous situations or places despite warning signs. When threatened Nomad will respond by stotting, jumping into the air with his feet stiff and head pointed downward, in an attempted to startle the predator into hesitating before fleeing. If he is chased into a corner or otherwise has no way to flee he will get more aggressive and attempt to fend of his chaser with his horns regardless of whether or not the animal is larger than him. [b]Classification and Faction:[/b] Unaffiliated [b]Background and History:[/b] After being born Nomad, like most Gazelles, spent his early days following his mother but it was when he was around three months old when he and his mother were attacked by larger predators, Nomad never got a chance to see what they were, he wound up pinned under his mother after catching a stray claw along the side of his face, this would save him however, as the predators never noticed him as they ate their fill of his mother right on top of him. It was several hours before the predators wandered off and Nomad was finally able to wriggle his way out from under his mother, it was a day and a half more before he worked up the courage to leave his mother's carcass behind. He wandered aimlessly and, after being chased out of other male Gazelles' territory several times, decided to keep at it rather than find and claim his own territory.