[@Conflagration] Hey, whatever works! I think it'll prove to be handy since uh, a lot of the monsters will be fire based and if memory serves correctly, we have like 3 fire users? So it'll be good. B) Also, quoting myself so everyone sees it on this nneeeew page (holy shit 26 pages of ooc are we all friends or what ) [quote=Attis]Oh, oh oh! And The Fool Social Link is going to open up to any character who feels at least somewhat connected to their fellow survivors after this fiasco. So uh, everyone who think that might apply to their character should be thinking of what they want. Really the only way a character won't qualify if they're like "BLUH BLUH FUCK ALL THESE BITCHES I'M NOT EVER SPEAKING TO THEM EVER AGAIN AND WE ARE PRETENDING THIS NEVER HAPPENED. BYE FREAKIN BYE I'M GOING BACK TO MY SEAT. LATER FUCKOS." Which, I mean fair enough. But it's the team social link, so uh, yeah. Things to remember when picking new skills: your first three base skills auto-rank with the storyline so don't pick AGILAO if you have already picked AGI ect ect. If you picked something that doesn't level up then uh, we'll figure that out later. [/quote]