I would never dare to try and attack that man who obviously has a gun, some gear and probably a lot more combat experience than I do. I would never have a chance. And I am also more of a hiding person. Before I leave, I take Chris' thin chrome pole, the electric prod and the key. I have no clue that that electric prod is good for or how to use it. I wonder... [color=a2d39c]can the thin chrome pole be used as a weapon[/color]? Power A - I know where that is. Therefor I know where the man is heading, and also where they are heading next. I know I could use the chance and get him from the back, but all I have is a pair of scissors and some thin chrome pole. I don't think I can do much with that to stop him from shooting me the minute he spots me. I just really wish I could be sure to knock him out somehow before he notices me. But I am not, and because of that uncertainty I will not blindly walk into the man and his pistol. I quietly move to the hallway and into the room that's labeled "241-CHEM SYNTH/ANAL.". Opening and closing the door as quietly as possible. And hopefully there would be one or two things to help me. If possible, I try to get the right frequency on my radio to listen in on the two men that talk on their radios with each other. It will be helpful to keep knowing where they are and what they're planning.