[quote=@Double Capybara] [@BBeast] Wouldn't speed become an issue? Rope making and stuff is already around for a while, and it could become an advantage for the group that can both outnumber and outrun the rockfolk That of course if they are slow, if they walk normally then forget what I said. [/quote] Walking, the Urtelem are slower than most bipeds. In actions, they are only slightly slower. However, for rapid locomotion, they [i]roll[/i], and you'll have to run pretty damn fast to outpace that. As for the ropes, I suppose you could hinder them with a net or something (with difficulty. They aren't light), but as long as the path to the ground is clear they always have an escape route, being able to glide through earth and stone. Then they can burst back up elsewhere and cause more chaos. [quote=@Rtron] Don't worry. Vestec has a plan for that too! In another note, wouldn't the pure energy of Angel weaponry cut through stone? [/quote] When the angels were first made, most of them took multiple swings to hack through a tree, as though they were using an axe. So yes, angel weaponry could damage them, but not with much more efficiency than, say, steel tools. [@Kangutso], I shall be responding. However, a) I'm still working on the collab I had from before Vestec declared war, and b) I'm already in the Celestial Citadel, so I don't need to actually travel until I want to act. Also, since Reathos' Pronobii are in the south, then Vestec's horde of Pronobii and Ashlings will have to march around the coast of the Fractal Sea to get there, some of the most populated lands on Galbar. This, of course, works swimmingly for Vestec, but makes them a target for those who seek to protect civilisation. Teknall shall be dumping as many Urtelem as he can muster onto that horde as soon as he notices it. If we still want the Pronobii vs Pronobii battle down in the south, we could say that Vestec's Pronobii, being the intelligent and goal-oriented race they are, can slip past the Urtelem while they battle with the Ashlings and quietly make their way to the southern tundra.