[@Atrophy] I'd say that's a respectable level of fucks to give. [@wildeyes] Welcome to the guild! All in all the CS looks solid, but I've got just a few pointers; 1) Summoning a single demon into the world is bloody hard, and trying to control one is like riding a tiger. If possible, I'd rather Felicity had only a single demon at her disposal, which would still be a force to reckon with. Also, their relationship should be more of a mutually beneficial one, as opposed to her controlling said demon. 2) The Martovaani family aren't active anymore, so she couldn't be buffing their soldiers with demonic magics and such, simply because they don't have any. Beyond that, Felicity is very much in-line with the sort of characters that fit the setting perfectly. Just make those few changes, then all should be well :)