[centre][h1]King Caymdahr Mellurium Fairchild[/h1][/centre] "That will do." the king, preferably known as Mel, mumbled as he twisted the last bolt that fixed the castle's watering system. The royal engineers had been at it all morning, trying to fix the faulty watering pipes that redirected almost all of the water to Mel's bathroom. The problem began with the decaying wooden beam supports around the pipes, that, eventually gave away and spilled the contents into the pipes that led to the king's tub. The least thing that the engineers expected was for the king, himself, to help them in fixing the watering system, but when Mel's voice resounded behind them, they had to move away. Although, one of them needed to lift the king in order for him to reach the screws and bolts. It was an unspoken taboo, almost. No one spoke of the king's sudden younger visage. No one commented on why Mel looked younger than his bishop or even his knights. Ever since the ties between Michael and Gabriel were riven, the king had never stepped out of the castle. Not even once. Rumors whisper of dark magics, some mumble of the king's search for an elixir of immortality. All theories at best, but none really got close to the truth. As Mel stepped away from the pipes, he offered the engineers a quaint smile before he spun around and walked away. Almost everyone noticed that this morning, the king had opted to walk everywhere around the castle. Usually, he could be found in the Empyrion, the castle's library. But, while the people expected Mel to be tearing through scroll after scroll in search for knowledge unknown, as of now, the king sauntered around without any real direction. Mel reached into his pocket, pulling out a neatly folded letter before he flipped it open. It was the seventh time that he had read the parchment from the kingdom of Raphael, and up to now, he couldn't put a finger as to why, of all the times, Valentine chose this opportune moment to bring the three rulers together. "The foolishness of youth," Mel shook his head as he looked at the chapel located in the gardens, east of the castle keep. The clerics and deacons have already started with their morning taize prayer, causing solemn chants to reverberate within the castle's parapets of stone. The monarch strode once more towards the chapel as he entered through the steel double-doors, and took his place at the last pew in the sanctuary. The clerics, clad in brown habits, had their heads bowed in worship as the prayers were sung like a mantra. Immediately, his thoughts went back to the celebration between Gabriel, and Michael over the foundation of the Alliance Library, years ago. The same prayer was uttered in a solemn litany back then as well. "Kyrie, kyrie, eleison," the same chant escaped the king's lips as he closed his eyes in contemplation. The scars of the past threatened to gnaw at him, to leave him without sleep. He left teenagers to inherit the entire monarchy of Michael, and he would have as well shattered their entire childhood. "Young master Auberon, young lady Adeline." he sighed as he continued to go alongside the chants. Then, his eyes opened. No, what he did was right. The visions were as true as they could get. Michael could have enslaved Eden without regard for human life. "Mea culpa, Percival, Nadine." Mel shook his head as he stood up, and made his way out of the Chapel of Lost Souls. "But, I am not sorry for what I have done. I spared you the pain of tyranny, my friends. At least, you died as heroes." Mel exited the chapel upon the elevated ground of the castle. The view allowed him to see Gabriel in all its wonders, and indeed, he loved this kingdom with all that he had. The pain of Gabriel was the pain of the king. Serious, blue irises took in the kingdom from east to west, north to south until he saw the walls of the inner castle keep. There was something wrong with Eden, and even Mel had to acknowledge that. Valentine's presuppositions of an 'unwelcome' king was not impossible, but so was the opportune for an assassination on him. Raphael was a spineless kingdom that allied with the opposing empires under the guise that they were the enemies of the kingdom's enemies. They were cowards, so to speak. It was not impossible that Valentine allied with Auberon to take him down in the meeting place. Expected, but, at least, if Valentine did slay him with the sword, then, Raphael's monarchs displayed bravery that they lacked when it was needed the most. But, no, Valentine and the twins were not his concern. No, it was his kingdom. If there was this 'unwelcome' king, then, he would need all the allies he could get. Not to mention, that they had no idea how to gauge the strength of this hidden empire. If anything, Mel would use the alliance; the alliance would not use him. Still, he needed counsel, and he would get to that soon. The king stepped towards his throne room, passing by the eastern side of the castle until he heard some voices near the eastern gate. Mel headed for that location, knowing who he would meet. Mel peered over the ledge that overlooked the eastern gate, and he saw his bishop, Daniella, and one of his warriors, Lance. "The taize prayer in the chapel has started, and yet the bishop is not there to lead the worship?" Mel called out from the ledge as he combed his hair back so he could better see the two below him. "And, my warrior, chatting instead of guarding?" A small chuckle resonated from the monarch as he leaped over the ledge before landing gracefully in front of his two subordinates. "Well, at least, that's what my father would say," Mel spun around as he nodded to the two. "I'm sure you already know of the dove's significance. And, this is something I would need your counsel on. Lance, look for my personal servant, Ainsley, and have him bring tea. Chamomile, this time. Not that awful jasmine." Mel instructed to the young warrior who, technically, looked older than him. Towered over him, even. And, he turned to his bishop with a raised brow. "I will be with the honourable bishop in the throne room. Meet us there, lad." And, with that, Mel bounded for his throne, and when he arrived there, he promptly took a seat on the medium-sized, gold-encrusted throne which the line of Fairchilds have sat upon. "Read this, and tell me your thoughts." Mel handed the letter to the bishop as he inhaled the scent of the rose that jutted out of his suit pocket. [centre][h1]Rancor Opperen[/h1][/centre] "She's still in mourning, huh?" Rancor shook his head, buttoning his uniform and combing his hair back until the iconic single ebony strand hung in front of his right eye. Not a few moments ago, Rancor had just stepped out of the tub, and when the servant opened the door to his quarters, she got the shock of her life when the sight of the naked Rancor greeted her awake. "Y-yes..." Penelope answered, turning her sights away. "A-anyway, the queen has personally requested for your presence." "And, I can only imagine why." Rancor blew out a puff of air as he finished preparing himself. Soon, he had left the servants' quarters, and went off to kitchen in order to whip something edible as he always did in the past. "Would she be requiring cake and some tea?" the servant mused. Probably not. She was in mourning, and it would be terrible for her to enjoy something sweet in such a tragic affair. But, then again, if the queen negated the cake, then, he would eat it. And, Rancor found no problem with that. Thus, he prepared a slice of some confections, and a porcelain tea set before heading over to Adeline's study. It's been a year since the tragedy that befell the kingdom. At that time, Rancor had only served as a general servant, but he saw the way Adeline changed from a jolly lass to the small ball of bitterness that she was now. Even her brother, Auberon, grew more isolated, and only on really rare occasions did Rancor see the prince. Even with that, the two monarchs had grown increasingly isolated as time passed by. The once warm princess had turned into a serious yet kind queen whose smile the servants had began to miss. Finally, he arrived outside of Adeline's study, hearing another voice inside which he could only attribute to that of king Auberon. They spoke about... letters and a king Valentine. Rancor raised his brow in wonder at the name. He had only heard of Valentine from the other servants, and it was only about how dreamy the king of Raphael was. However, Rancor's thoughts were interrupted as he spotted a tuft of blue hair sticking out from the door corner. It was princess Serenity! Immediately, Rancor held the tray in one hand before kneeling in front of the timid monarch. Rancor offered a warm smile before addressing her. "Your Royal Highness," Rancor whispered as he looked from side to side. "Shouldn't you be in your quarters, Your Royal Highness? Your royal brother and sister are quite..." the servant searched for the proper word. "Busy, y'know? Now, now, if you become a good girl and scurry back into your room, I'll sneak a cake out of the kitchen for you." Rancor stood up before knocking on the wooden door, announcing his presence. "Your Royal Majesties, requesting permission to enter. This is Rancor. I was informed that my presence was commanded." As soon as the monarchs would give their approval, Rancor would step right in, and offer the confections to the two.