[center][color=MediumOrchid][img]http://i.imgur.com/zaleI39.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/e9ePOwG.gif[/img] [img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Through%20The%20Pages%20Roleplay/Main%20Character%20Gifs%20-%20Vicier/Freya%20Beauchamp%20-%20Gif%2001_zpsol3nmuez.gif[/img] [h3][i][b]~General Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Name (Fairy Tale World):[/b] The Dark Queen. [b]Other Names (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Maleficent, Lady Morgana Pendragon, High Priestess, Mother of Dragons, Evil Faerie, Witch. [b]Real Name (Earth):[/b] Freya Beauchamp (Only she, James Hook and Jafar know her real name). [b]Occupation (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Queen; Supreme ruler of the Fairy Tale World. [b]Place Of Origin:[/b] New York, America; Earth. [b]Age:[/b] Thirty-Seven. [b]Affiliation:[/b] True Neutral (Formally), Neutral Evil (Presently). True Neutral (Formally) -[i]* A true neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. She doesn’t feel strongly one way, or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil- after all, she would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, she’s not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Some neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run. Neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act naturally, without prejudice or compulsion.[/i] Neutral Evil (Presently) - [i]* A neutral evil character does whatever she can get away with. She is out for herself, pure and simple. She sheds no tears for those she kills, whether for profit sport, or convenience. She has no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make her any better or more noble. On the other hand, she doesn’t have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil character has. Some neutral evil characters hold up evil as an ideal, committing evil for its own sake. Most often, such characters are devoted to evil deities, or secret societies. Neutral evil beings consider their alignment to be the best because they can advance themselves without regard for others.[/i] [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Twenty-Four Years Old):[/b] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/66f3ab61b91548dcf8d3af8331fbf6da/tumblr_n5vsqdoYJW1tbryhwo1_500.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance - Fairy Tale World (Thirty-Seven Years Old):[/b] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/4349da30a4e4e0257611fdc687185533/tumblr_nf94hhSwOm1twrcljo1_1280.jpg[/img] [b]Wardrobe Style (Fairy Tale World):[/b] [i]Camelot (Formally) -[/i] Welcomed into Camelot, and quickly taken into Uther’s charge as the King’s new ward, Freya’s wardrobe grew substantially in quite a short time, the King doing his best to prove to her that nothing was too good for his new young ward by providing her with an extravagant range of clothes that could be worn on many a different occasion ([url=http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/24500000/Arthur-and-Morgana-prince-arthur-merlin-24591139-2055-1370.jpg]Evening Gown[/url], [url=http://wall4all.me/walls/movies-tv/katie-mcgrath-merlin-tv-serie-1101907-2646x3969.jpg]Everyday Gown[/url], [url=http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120312052640/merlin1/images/4/48/Merlin794.jpg]Riding/ Travelling Wear[/url], [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/merlin1/images/f/f8/Merlin939.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120329085015]Winter/ Travelling Cloaks[/url]). The strong and well known King doing his best to provide her with everything that she needed, and showering her with gifts, all the while doing his best to make sure that she and she alone captured the attention of his young son, Arthur. * Freya has kept all clothes from this time in her life (and previous), though she keeps them locked away in a large trunk that sits at the end of her bed in her private bed chambers. [i]The Moors (Presently) -[/i] No longer under anyone’s control, and free to dress herself in any manner that she sees fit, Freya’s wardrobe is filled with a vast range of items that stem from all over the Fairy Tale World, giving her a grand expanse of items covering many an occasion; whether they be saris and other delights from Agrabah gifted to her by the the love of her life, Jafar ([url=https://40.media.tumblr.com/13e97b196e4e4bd193e2e83d034331dc/tumblr_np6dhsGW0x1qdiygao1_500.jpg]Sari #01[/url], [url=http://cdnpix.com/show/imgs/96ea417144b9ae2cc342d883e235e344.jpg]Sari #02[/url], [url=http://newsaree.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Indian-Wedding-Sari.jpg]Sari #03[/url], [url=http://vivifypicture.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Trend-Wedding-Color-Inspiration-by-Shanaiya-Bridal-Sari-Picture-1.jpg]Sari #04[/url], [url=http://www.funnpoint.com/media/248/248l-funnpoint.jpg]Sari #05[/url]), or the beautiful traditional clothing of the Pride Lands ([url=http://www.freewallpaperscollection.com/img/Beautiful_Anime_Girl.jpg]Pride Lands #01[/url], [url=http://38.media.tumblr.com/efaa0bc576bc4917586b8126b6a1e274/tumblr_n87wlf2y2d1teys98o1_1280.jpg]Pride Lands #02[/url], [url=http://yayacosplay.deviantart.com/art/Enyo-Goddess-of-War-180552759]Pride Lands #03[/url], [url=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/249/0/9/chun_li_cosplay_photograph_by_elin_kuzunoha-d492vjz.jpg]Pride Lands #04[/url], [url=http://images.mmosite.com/photo/2007/03/11/shaiya05_a03n4Fa50bF.jpg]Pride Lands #05[/url]), Freya’s ever growing wardrobe just never seems to get any smaller. [h3][i][b]~Relationship Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] In A Relationship. [b]Partner:[/b] Jafar Sholeh. [b]Ex Partner:[/b] Alexander Katts. [b]Father:[/b] Frederick Beauchamp (Deceased). [b]Mother:[/b] Joanna Beauchamp (Deceased). [b]Siblings:[/b] James Bartholomew Beauchamp (James Hook). [b]Pet/s:[/b] Freya has the habit of considering all who give their service and loyalty to her to be her 'pets' and 'play things'; and because of this fact, she enjoys toying and playing with them whenever she feels the urge to do so. [b]Other:[/b] Maleficent (Adopted Mother - Deceased), King Uther (Faux-Father - Deceased), King Arthur (Faux-Brother), Merlin/ Emrys (Physician and Mentor - Taught that he was her Enemy). [hider=Detailed Relationship Information] -TBW- [/hider] [h3][i][b]~Personal Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Personality:[/b] Seen to be nothing more than quite a sadistic, and an extremely sinister woman by all those who live within the Fairy Tale World; Freya has the exceedingly nasty habit of stopping at nothing whenever it comes to getting whatever it is that she truly wants, the fiery and spirited young woman is unafraid of even using her own body and overly flirtatious nature when it comes to bending and manipulating those who surround her. With a malicious tendency of preying on all of those whom she considers to be both weak and beneath her, the slightly twisted and power-hungry woman does all that she can to force and bend their wills, causing them to please and cater to her each and every whim and desire without so much as a second thought to what it is that she is actually asking them to do for her. Also seen to be exceptionally ambitious and tremendously ruthless when it comes to getting everything that she wants, Freya is willing to do whatever it takes, and to step on anyone and anything that gets in her way as she works to get herself to the very top of the hierarchy; the woman believing that she and she alone is the one and true ruler of the Fairy Tale World. Terrifyingly dark and on the rare case violently protective and possessive, she will allow nothing and no-one to stand in her way as she does everything that she can to reach both her goals and the true desires that are hidden away within her heart; the spiteful woman, though at times seen to be malicious in her ways, doing her best to help those who she believes to have been wronged to regain the happy endings that were torn away from them in the first place. Earlier on in her life, while living as the King Uther’s ward in Camelot, Freya was known to be quite the spirited and quick-witted young woman, always showing both love and compassion to all those who sought her council or those who found themselves within her company, whether they be her ladies maid or one of the many Knights to serve under the King himself. Considered to be a beauty unmatched throughout the Kingdom of Camelot, and while she gained the attention and affection of numerous men, she herself was always told that she was to be saved and married to Arthur when the time for him to become King came along; however Freya proved herself to not only be beautiful, but also capable on multiple occasions; her quite rebellious and independent streak helping her stand out among women, and causing her to be unafraid to stand up to Uther, despite his being her guardian. Having to keep her magical talents from all those who lived in Camelot, Freya always took issue with the King’s cruel and unjust persecution of magic-users, unafraid and often causing herself to get punished whenever she spoke up against him, believing that his punishments towards those with magic were both unfair and unfitting; her believes causing her to even on the rare occasion go against his ruling by doing all she could to help those like her escape from his tyranny. Always willing to stand up for what she believes in, she oftentimes displayed much courage when standing up against her guardian and the Knights, the young woman always intervening to stand up for what she feels is right; much like the King himself, Freya shows extreme stubbornness and a slightly cocky streak when it comes to proving her point or having fun, always seeming to have several bets with the Prince going, where (on more than several occasions) she came out the victor, causing the King to once again have to warn his son that he should know better than to mess with her. However, with that part of her life well and far behind her, Freya does all that she can to keep her old self hidden deep within her, believing that after everything that she has done, she is long past the ways of being able to be saved; though small cracks within the walls that she has formed around that part of her past cause her good intentions and sweet nature to show, sometimes leaving her actions extremely unpredictable, and leaving her mood something that is not to be messed with. [b]Strengths:[/b] Extremely good when it comes to playing on the fears and emotions of those around her, Freya shows great skill an favor when it comes to creating illusions, which have been known to be deadly enough as to kill a man where he stands; the woman loving nothing more than to play games and cause chaos to any and all who surround her. Hell bent on having fun in almost any and every situation she finds herself in, Freya is an exceedingly competitive person, and had no issues in using questionable and downright dirty methods to win at any cost. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Holding a strong love and a very deep regard for her older brother, James Hook, deep within her heart; Freya oftentimes finds herself second guessing her choices both present and past in an attempt to see just how much damage she has done to their relationship, and if there is any true chance of repair; the young woman also, though never speaking of it out loud, willing to do anything it took to make sure that he was happy- wanting nothing more than for him to be proud of her, rather than look down on her as he tends to more often than not do. [b]Magic Capabilities:[/b] First originally showing both the capability and the talent of a seer when she was first summoned by Maleficent into the Fairy Tale World; Freya oftentimes suffered from prophetic night terrors, and was often able to see visions of the future within her dreams, each largely revolving around the deaths of those she considered to be closest to her- though her powers initially were shown to be both raw and uncontrolled, and more times than none resulted in the young woman inadvertently setting her chambers alight, or shattering vases and other items that were set around her person; however due to the time spent under the care and ever watchful eye of her mistress, Freya's skill with magic improved greatly, and soon allowed her to gain almost absolute control over her powers and abilities over the ancient art. Even as the years slowly began to wear on, though seen in the eyes of her mistress to be quite the powerful sorceress; Freya was never one to deny the fact that her powers were still considerably weaker than Maleficent't magic- many of her spells and incantations relying on the use of an object of some sort as the central focus of the spell, rather than simply conjuring something on her own; however, whenever she was shown to be upset or angered in some way or another, Freya was able to display tremendous feats of magical power with an emotionally-driven outpouring of her feelings- her grief seeming to augment her powers to an extremely high degree that she was able to, on more than one occasion, cause part of her chambers to come crashing down around her; although it is still unknown to everyone, including herself, as to whether or not she was actually in control of her magic at the time or not. Even during her time spent living within the kingdom of Camelot as a ward under the protection of King Uther; Freya's magical powers continued to grow substantially stronger and stronger under Maleficent's tutelage, her hard work and persistence in the the art finally paying off when she was inducted and made to join as one of the few High Priestess' of the Old Religion- however with her mistresses last breath, and the gift of the magic that had been living inside of Maleficent for all her years, Freya's powers quickly reached their full potential, the sudden intake of magic forcing her body to change and to accommodate to the strong abilities flowing through her veins; the sudden shift in power causing even the druid-born who followed her to admit that even they were no match for her. * However, while she is capable of unleashing her full powers on those who dare to defy and stand up against her; Freya is terrified of what is to come if she ever chooses to go down that path- the Queen not even sure as to what might happen to her if she ever gets pushed off that ledge. [hider=Magical Appearance - Dragon Form] [b]Appearance - Maleficent's Dragon Form:[/b] [img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/maleficent11924_zpsniv83ufp.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Weapons:[/b] Although she can and does indeed know how to wield blades of several types (swords, daggers, ect.) when it comes to defending herself, or when she's on the attack, Freya rarely ever uses them unless a situation calls for or forces her into doing just so; the young woman instead choosing to rely purely on her magic to attack/ defend when a threat, of any kind comes her way, or whenever she sees fit/ a need to use it. [b]Brief Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Born into a wealthy family, Freya was always given the best of everything, never knowing the word 'no' and from a young age learned that the world was hers for the taking; all she had to do was reach out and take it for her own. Not particularly getting along with the children of other families she met, she kept to herself; her demanding presence strong and seen by all those she chose to show it to. Freya kept those who attempted to teach her otherwise wrapped around her little finger while other children were shown to be good natured and kind hearted; the very thing Freya's mother strived to teach her own child but to no avail. As she continued to grow into a beautiful young lady, Freya began to feel a slight strain on the relationship that lingered between her mother and herself, often finding herself the subject of both negative and unwanted attention. Not wanting to change and not understanding what she was doing that was so wrong the young girl continued down the path she liked, while others continuously tried to convince her that this wasn't the 'correct' way to go about life. Occasionally doing the right thing in order to gain her parents favor, she often opted to leaving a sour experience for all those in her life; her lack of comprehension ultimately leading her into a confused tantrum which could be soothed only by the humming songs of her father. Gradually though her behavior caused her relationship with her mother to deteriorate greatly allowing the already close bond between her and her father to grow even tighter, her attitude forcing him to take a more serious approach to his daughter's behavioral problems by causing him to spend less time at the office and more time with his little girl. The man was much more lenient to to his daughter's outlook on life, believing in the 'positive reinforcement' methods as opposed to 'scolding the bad' in which had been her mother's approach over the past few years. For a while his methods appeared to be working, though it also seemed as though her father was the only one who could get his daughter to flip the switch inside her head that made her behave, leaving her mother feeling completely helpless, worthless, and all together useless. When her father had no other option but to go back to work, Freya would go back to her old ways, forcing her mother to seek answers to her questions at the bottom of whiskey bottles and pill containers; the woman convinced that there was no hope left for her daughter to be the woman she had always hoped her to become. Growing into a confident young woman as the years passed by Freya; while exceptionally beautiful for a sixteen year old, lacked a healthy social life the girl not allowing any whom she didn't deem worthy of her time close to her in any way. Wanting to keep up the comfortable life that life had provided her, she threw herself into her studies, raising her grades so that she could make her father proud of her; her free time spent reading the books that lined her bedroom walls helping to stimulate her imagination fueling the part of her that deep down wished she was able to live the life and express herself in the same way of the beloved characters she had grown up with. Reluctant to let him go she saw her father off, watching him leave on one of his business trips, and after giving her mother a particularly bad night she retired to her parents master bathroom to relax. Slipping into the tub with her favorite book and music blaring in she allowed herself to slip into the world of fantasy that she longed to be a part of, unaware that her actions that night had caused her mother to stumble and fall over the edge into the darkened madness that had been building up and boiling inside her over the years of having to look after and care for her daughter. Uninterested in her mother’s appearance in the bathroom she continued to mind her own business until the sudden pressure of hands pressing against her throat pushing her under the water causing the air to escape from her lungs while continued to struggle against her mother’s grip, the girl having no chance against her as she tried desperately for some kind of escape from the death that seemed to be closing in on her. Coming home from his business trip early, her father returned home interrupting the sudden burst of madness that his wife had had come over her causing her to rush out of the bathroom to intercept him, her mother’s sudden disappearance giving Freya the opportunity to pull herself out of the water gasping heavily to return the air once lost back to her lungs her mind working overtime to try and process through what exactly had just happened to her. Climbing out of the tub she pulled her clothes back on the sound of her mother’s hysterics and her father’s calming words hitting her ears causing a heavy pain to shoot through her heart, fear spreading through her body at the thought that her father too would eventually turn on her so that he could finish the job that his wife had began. Slipping away she fled into night trying her best to get away from the torment in her life not bothering to look back to see if those who hated and despised her for their heartache were following; battered, weak and tired from running until her feet hurt her body, unable to keep up with the stress that had befallen, she collapsed in the amongst the thick foliage in the park close to the woods unable to go on any further. Clutching her arm across her body she panicked as an unfamiliar voice reached out to her filling her ears and calling for her to follow it, forcing herself from the ground she searched out letting the voice guide her farther away from the place she had once considered home before leading her to a clearing with two singular trees standing side by side far enough apart for a person to walk through. Curiosity overpowering the terror that had built up in her throughout the night she pushed herself forward her body stepping through a strange barrier until she came to a stop standing still in front of a large elegant woman in black who welcomed her home with open arms. [b]Brief Biography (Life In The Fairy Tale World):[/b] Confused and afraid of what she had stumbled into the woman comforted her introducing herself to the young girl as Maleficent and explaining to her the reasons in which she had brought her through the portal from another world, taking Freya into her home as if she were her own daughter the relationship between the pair became unmatched by any other that each of them had ever encountered before. Spending the next eight years of her life in the care of the sorceress, Freya through herself into her studies more engaged than she had ever been before as she worked hard to live up to the expectations that were set for her by the woman she now classed as her mother. Finally teaching her successor all that she could about what she knew, Maleficent passed on leaving what remained of her magical abilities and powers to be given to the young twenty-four year old along with her Kingdom; the sudden increase in power causing her physical appearance to change allowing her better use of the gifts she had been given. Overcome with both grief and anger at losing the only person that she had every truly gotten close to she snapped allowing herself to step over the edge into the darkness and madness that had once in her past consumed her biological mothers on the night she had tried to kill her, going on a rampage throughout the fairy tale world she gathered up all those who had been wronged throughout their lives promising them power beyond their wildest dreams if in return they gave her their loyalty and with them in her charge she plunged the world they lived in into eternal darkness allowing the villains she had at her command to rise to the occasion taking over with nothing in their way that could stop them. Ruling over them all Freya took on the name of her mentor quickly becoming known as Maleficent, the world none the wiser that she had not been the original nor of what her real name and intentions truly are. [h3][i][b]~Other Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Other:[/b] During her rise to power, Freya has crossed paths with many different people which in turn has gained her many different names that she now goes by, including her more favored name ‘Morgana’, which she was known as when she fell into the bad books of the sorcerer she only knows by the name of Emrys. Freya also has an extremely loving affection towards her ‘pet’ cat, Alexander Katts, after recruiting him into her court and bringing him into her favor; their past history together, while still fresh in her mind, always playing second to that of the business type relationship they now share. [h3][i][b]~Theme Song~[/b][/i][/h3] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4i1n-hTs8Dw]"No Way Out" By Phil Collins.[/url] [img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Through%20The%20Pages%20Roleplay/Main%20Character%20Gifs%20-%20Vicier/Freya%20Beauchamp%20-%20Gif%2002_zpstoyd1zzg.gif[/img] [/color] [/center]