[Center][B]☆ Helena ☆[/b] [I]Lyn's Hunt [/i][/center] She missed, somewhat. The blow landed further back than she had wanted to, but it had done some damage. Blood flowed or of the wound and she tried her hardest to keep her grip on the blade and not let the blood make it too slick. Thankfully she held it, and managed to pull it out of the beast before she was jostled off it. Her glasses slid down her nose some and she pushed them back up with a bloody hand as she gained her feet again, leaving a few smudged lines of blood on her pale face. She just managed to catch a the swing at Sinys. She wasn’t certain if it connected or not and she didn't have the time to check out if he was hurt or not. The thing was turning around and coming at her again. It's jaws snapped at her legs and it managed to catch hold of some of the leather of her boot but she'd stumbled back enough for it to miss most of her leg. It tried pulling her back an towards the elf. But since it had a hold of just the leather all it managed to do was make her stumble and slide towards the beast instead. Helena struggled to pull her foot free, trying to do so without losing her boot as well. She slipped and fell, sliding along in the dirt towards Sinys. And that's when she heard the twang of another bowstring. She glanced at what she thought was the source of the sound, seeing the new commers. She took the next moment when she looked back to kick at the beast's face with her other foot, hoping for contact.