Twix nodded to Elvina before looking to the rest of the group as a newcomer joined them, one more for the count he noted. Now their group was quite big, it would be slower to advance with so many people but at the same time it was not like they had much more choice than to stick together. [color=green]"Alright, We're Leaving Palet town towards what's called Viridian City, it shouldn't take us more than a day to get there, but as we are now we should stop half way and set up camp"[/color] he said as he wandered out to the road. [color=green]"Make sure none is left behind, we mighgt not fully know each other yet, but I have a strong feeling that we all are going to need to work together from now on.[/color] he said and sighed to himself before looking ahead. [color=green]"I shall take point, I let you decide on your own who the one guarding our rear should be. Keep your senses keen as we don't know if more pokémon will be hostile to us, but do not start any fights if it can be avoided... we should conserve our strength for when its needed and only fight the battles we must. Today was evidence that we indeed possess the capabilities to fight off hostiles, but also that mistakes will be dangerous. We had luck with us today, but I do not count that we will be so lucky in the future... please pick a partner among you, we should make sure to stay in groups of at least two whenever possible and never stray alone... Elvina would you want to be my partner from now on?... We did qutie well together today"[/color] he said looking to Elvina kindly before waiting for the others to get ready. Meloi seemed to come back too it which was good, he hoped she had heard him too.