So, scratching out Kingpin on my list since my idea conflicts with the one mentioned. That leaves six left, Magneto is on the fence due to a Brotherhood arc. Is it Magneto run, or something Mystique/Saber tooth led? I'd still love to do Ultron, but I don't want to step on Gowi's toes, so he/it's in limbo. That leaves four left, Punisher, Black Knight, Namor, and Iron Fist. Of those four I'm more keen on doing Namor, Punisher or Black Knight, but if I had to choose only one (which I do :p) I choose Punisher. So in the end it's either Namor, Ultron or Punisher. What if I make sheets for all three and we can choose the best one, or the one that fits the universe better or what have you?