[h3]Turn 15[/h3] [hider=KahleenCuthald] [color=fff200]The pole[/color] can be used as a weapon, though it has very little weight, like it was made of polystyrene. Unlike polystyrene, however, it is very hard to bend or deform the pole. You creep into "241-CHEM SYNTH/ANAL" without anyone noticing. A quick glance confirms that this is a laboratory. The room is filled with rows of lab tables with [color=fff200]various chemicals and projects[/color] left scattered about. [color=fff200]Gas valves[/color] are installed into each of the tables. You notice a [color=fff200]yellow light[/color] on one of the tables at the far end. The walls of the room are lined with [color=fff200]cupboards containing god-knows-what[/color]. In the bottom right corner [color=fff200]a refrigerator[/color] sits silently. You try fiddling with the radio. You find that the number for Security is linked to the frequency of [color=ed1c24]"Kilo Team"[/color] and whoever is on the other end. You listen in. [hider=RADIO] Kilo: Nobody at Power-A, moving on to check Power-B. Our coordinates are D3, A1 and C1. [/hider] The room continues [color=00a651]right[/color] and the hallway is to the [color=00a651]left[/color]. [hider=Map] [img]http://i.imgur.com/pc9LkgP.png[/img] [/hider][hider=Emergency Map] [img]http://i.imgur.com/6yIKlcT.png?1[/img][/hider] [/hider]