[hider=Edith Rendel] [b]Name:[/b] Edith Rendel [b]Alias:[/b] Chronos [b]Age:[/b] 87 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/iFqlQ8b.jpg[/img] [b]Ability:[/b] Localized time manipulation. [indent][b]-Abilities Strengths:[/b] Edith is able to create pockets where time is displaced within a 2 yard radius. As time naturally progresses forward it is easiest to speed it up or slow it down. The limit of which appears to be a factor of 1000. While rolling back time within the displacement is possible she has no cognitive ability to make it happen at will. The single example being the unwitting regression of her own age which was at a much higher rate than any of her other abilities. To help explain how things would look to our characters please see the hider below. [hider=Time Displacement Field]Inside the Field: [indent]Fast: Things outside the field appear slower. When something enters the field it moves at normal speed. Slow: Things outside the field appear faster. When something enters the field it moves at normal speed.[/indent] Outside the Field: [indent]Fast: Things inside the field appear to move faster. When something exits the field it moves at normal speed. Slow: Things inside the field appear to move slower. When something exits the field it moves at normal speed.[/indent][/hider] [b]-Abilities Weaknesses:[/b] Only a single area of displacement is possible at a time. If there are multiple targets but they are not close enough to each other then only one will be able to be affected. She is also not immune to the effects should she manage to be in the field at the time. Use of her abilities seems to take a toll on her mind and liberal use requires sleep to recuperate. Overextending can lead her to pass out on the spot.[/indent] [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*]A natural leader. [*]Proficient with firearms. [*]Self taught electrical engineer. [*]Decent with hand to hand. [*]can speak three languages (English, French, and German). [*]Has a lifetime's worth of experience.[/list] [b]Flaws:[/b] [list] [*]Edith is not the most empathetic person. [*]Not the strongest given her regression to teenage years. [*]While she has had the chance to read and watch the news, Edith has been out of touch with the outside world for many years. [*]Can be extremely hot headed. While her years in prison has helped mute some of that, her new found youth has her itching for action again. [*]Has to reconcile with her past actions.[/list] [b]Background:[/b] In her prime she was the leader of a radical group that originated on Earth. They believed that use of AI would bring about the end of humanity. To be sure they were way out on the edge and would do anything to end use of such things. At first they were tolerated as nothing more than another conspiracy group filled with the paranoid. And for the most part they were right until Edith started riling them up. Just 29 at the time she had plenty of issues. Not the least of which was the mental damage done through use of drugs. Unhinged and unopposed she managed to get a small number to declare war on companies that created AIs. Several factories were destroyed, some with people still in them. Edith and her group became public enemy number one and a manhunt began which forced them underground. One by one her followers either broke off or were captured. With the authorities getting closer she opted to go off world to Mars. Smuggled in she tried her best to fit in. But even with those breathing down her neck she attempted to destroy another facility. Her attack was thwarted however and she was captured. At 34 she was tried and convicted of multiple accounts of murder, property damage, illegal possession of explosives, and numerous other infractions. It was an open and shut case and it her sentence was life in prison. When you're already crazy having 43 years mostly to yourself doesn't help. Even at 87 she was looking at 20 to 30 more years in the hole. That's the wonders of modern medicine for you. Even still she didn't have the spunk she once did and the facility was more than enough to keep her contained. On the occasion when a human guard would be by she could either be very friendly or shouting obscenities. Senility had had its way and it looked like she would just wither away in her cell. After the many years it had been and so far away from Earth most of the public didn't even know she was still alive. And then the unexplainable happened. Up late one night (not that it was easy to tell the time) she drifted off into a stupor. A mutation manifesting her biological clock began to tick backward. Hours past and she went from a 87 year old woman to a youthful 17. How far back she would have gone no one knows because the process was interrupted by alarms and yelling. Abruptly ending the first action of her powers she passed out. When she awoke she was somewhere else. It was still a cell but not one she remembered. Being somewhere else wasn't nearly as alarming as finding herself a teenager again. On top of that she could think clearly again, having reversed the mental scarring of those many years ago. The only visible remnant of her former self was her white hair. Wisdom apparently did mean gray hairs. [b]Sample Post:[/b] Today was the day. As the minutes ticked by Edith sat anxiously, checking the clock over and over again. Despite the stress looming over her, outwardly she appeared quite cool. She'd been planning for the last year for this and she wasn't going to undermine it by showing what might be second thoughts. Lightly brushing her brunette hair out of her face she took her earpiece off the counter before her and set it in her ear. There was chatter going on, her group getting everything in place. At 1500 hours the worlds would know that their movement would not be deterred. It would come at a high cost, but the cost didn't matter in her mind. The consequences of allowing AI to continue advancing far outweighed what would occur in the next few minutes. [color=khaki]"Continue with the plan. They'll put the place in lockdown if they're tipped off."[/color] Why did everyone need to be kept on task? They knew their part and that deviation would only muck things up. Facing the laptops they had set up, several streams were open. Some were cameras that they'd hijacked to watch what was going on. But others were watching various news channels. When this went down she wanted to see the world thought. Almost time. The teams were scrambling out but one got spotted and held up. They began yelling to Edith to delay or abort. It didn't take long before she simply took the earpiece off and looked to her two accomplices that were with her. [color=khaki]"We're clear. Do it."[/color] Four AI manufacturing plants down. [/hider] [hider=Anti-Artificial Intelligence Movement] People have protested AIs since before they were created. There were legitimate fears that something could go terribly wrong. VIs were already not looked well upon, but they were not capable of doing things on their own. VIs were unsettling as it was, but it was not until a true AI was revealed to have been made that the movement flared up. Despite lacking any real hard evidence protests and tales of doom abounded. At first the new technology was used in ways you would expect. Systems that could process, innovate, and troubleshoot themselves helped push more advancements. Of course they had to be applied and make a robot that could move around and do things on its own, it was a dream of inventors well before possible. Not everyone took kindly to that. They were the low hanging fruit that were easy to demonize. Some found ways to exploit people's distrust and made some decent money from the gullible, all for a cause. They were always just a small noisy group though. That changed into more of a roar when the mechanized intelligence was given a gun for military testing. Suddenly all the good that could come from use of AIs was drown. Even though the systems had proven to be safe it did not shut everyone up. While the majority stayed within the confines of the law a small group formed in the shadows. While not ever having an official name in the public eye, they hijacked the name Anti-Artificial Intelligence Movement or AAIM. The acronym fit well because their efforts went further than simple protests, petty threats, and minor vandalism. They would target people, companies, and authorities and actually follow through. Disrupting cargo transports of companies that created AI and VI systems, a higher up nearly beaten to death outside his home, a building set ablaze, nothing seemed to be too far. At the center of it all was 29 year old Edith Rendel. The mad woman saw the need to take matters into her own hands. What exactly motivated her against AIs or to go to such extremes was never understood. Whatever the reason she rallies the more radical individuals and the situation was treated like a war. Leaving injury and destruction in their wake the authorities began to catch up with several of them and it looked like they would die out on their own. Things got quiet and it was assumed they gave up in fear. While the hunt for them never ended there was not much urgency. They were sorely mistaken. In a show of strength and symbolism, on the anniversary of the creation of AIs, four factories were blown sky high. Two of which were in operation at the time, meaning it would have been occupied by employees. A true manhunt began with a vengeance. Nothing was spared in the effort to bring to justice those that perpetrated the attack. While the leader had evaded immediate capture many of her followers were caught. AAIM dissolved rapidly. News of Edith's capture and incarceration on Mars seemed to close the book on this bloody chapter. In the time since, AI creation has been made illegal and has largely shelved. While some still distrust AI and VI, the barbarism disillusioned many from doing or saying much about it.[/hider]