Adrenaline controlled the next few moments. Kaede didn't even bother thinking. The word just slipped out naturally. "Persona." It felt right, like finding a long-lost friend. There was a bright, but not blinding glow and a figure appeared. It was a winged man wearing a crown. A fairy king, to be more accurate. "Oberon." Everything felt so natural, so right, like this had always been a part of him. [i]At least it wasn't Bottom...[/i] His pondering was cut short by the sight of those creatures coming closer. It didn't take a genius to know that they were bad news. Again, instincts took over. "Zio!" Kaede shouted, lighting appearing and striking one of the creatures. The brightness light up the area a bit, and Kaede saw he wasn't alone. But there were countless more of these enemies. Again and again he shouted the spell, being somewhat successful. Kaede was so busy keeping them off of him, he couldn't help the others right away, a fact that bothered him greatly.