[Center][h2]Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo [color=92278f]Rin[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/J5c43jb.png[/img][/center] The two older females of the group didn't seem to have any grudges against Rin, well as far as she could tell. Rin wasn't dead yet at least. Asoka had spoken to her but Rin didn't reply much to the girl, she only gave a short shake of the head when Asoka let out her thoughts about thinking they would be alone. Apparently Itsuki was also somewhere around here, well not that she really minded. It was not like she really formed a bond with him either. Asoka gave her a tight hug but Rin kept standing there like a ragdoll not really knowing how to react to it. Rin tilted her head a little when Asoka stopped halfway through her sentence, she silently stared at the girl as she appeared to be busy elsewhere at the moment. Rin tensed somewhat up as the loud sound filled her ears. What was this feeling, she felt uneasy around Hana. Was she always like that? So clingy and happy all the time. Her voice like a scratched chalk board pulled Rin's attention away from Asoka and stared right at Hana. With Asoka still clinging to her she couldn't escape the terror named Hana too. The warm hug embraced her and she could do nothing else than trying to wriggle out of it. This was starting to get annoying. The chest of Hana pressed against her face like it wanted to kill her. Her eyes widened a little feeling how soft it was. It was really trying to absorb her! Rin rebelled against the hug and struggled to get out as hard as she could. She was choking, she couldn't breath, her survival instincts were starting to kick in. Hana let go of the two of them and Rin immediately gasped for air. She gave a few short light pants and seemed to be fine again. Asoka had started walking with her arm around Rin and Hana at their side walking lightly with them. Hana gave a short explanation on the situation at the moment, Rin gave a short nod at her as her voice crackled. [center][color=92278f]"I see..."[/color][/center] Asoka opened the door and helped Rin into the car. Rin didn't really understand why she had to go with them but she didn't mind. She knew these people and it might be interesting to hear about their stories. Rin kept glancing into the mirror of the driver with sharp eyes not really trusting the person. Some young kids were to be trusted but some old man was too much for her. She remained glaring at the person in the driver's seat while the conversation outside went on.