[h1][color=yellow]♥ - Rodney Colton Smith[/color][/h1] Taking a moment to catch my breath, I look over at Skylar to see if she's alright, catching a glance from her that indicates I shouldn't keep trying to hurt the ghost. I mean, I guess if my gun actually just fires weird heart bullets, then... [color=yellow]'Alright, look, you ghost character,'[/color] I begin saying, [color=yellow]'I don't really like you that much, and I think you should stop spewing your fancy words at us-'[/color] [color=yellow]ACT -> Mlem[/color] [color=yellow]'-blerb,'[/color] I abruptly finish, my tongue flipping out of my mouth unexpectedly. Shocked and mildly embarrassed at my faux pas, I quickly cover my mouth... but hey, the ghost stopped talking! For a couple of seconds, anyway. [hr] [h1]♥ - Eeeeeeeeeeee[/h1] 'mlem mlem ha ha thats so funny youre really funny you human guy hey it sounded like you want something human girl did you want rocks because theres plenty of rocks but i guess you cant pick them up i heard humans are really weak and cant lift things or was it really strong oh i dont know here let me get some rocks for you here ill just-' And now I move to the nearest rock, and push my body into it, possessing the rock, and then I guess sort of possessing the nearby rocks too but not completely possessing them, like halfway possessing them without unpossessing the rock I'm in, and then I move them over at the humans who wanted the rocks. '-okay i did it i possessed the rocks here they are here you go im going to give you these rocks theyre going to be awesome rocks-' [hr] [color=yellow][h1]♥ - Rodney Colton Smith[/h1][/color] Are you kidding me? Now it's throwing ROCKS at us?! I mean, it looks like possessing the rocks actually made them into the same sort of attack as the words, so I suppose I can do the same thing as before, but that's just obnoxious! Lifting my gun again as the rocks approach, I pull the trigger as fast as I can, firing projectiles that split the rocks hang on NO WAIT [i]WHAT[/i] WHY DID THEY- [color=yellow]HP: 14/24[/color] An involuntary noise of pain escapes me as one of the split rocks rams straight into my ghost-heart-thing. Of course the rock splits when shot, I can't just be allowed to dodge freely, can I? How unfair to have that happen with no warning... and as everyone knows, fairness is a subset of justice, but I guess at least I know for the rest of this attack, however long it lasts before abruptly vanishing. In the midst of dodging and weaving and shooting, I glance over at Skylar momentarily, who apparently doesn't have to deal with rocks that split when shot, but also has to deal with all the rocks as they come. And they're not all that small. I hope she does alright. [hider=OOC Footer] I figured taking a bit of a liberty with how object possession works was okay for this particular attack. One presumes that Eeeeeeeeeeee has an unfortunate tendency to temporarily possess objects to throw them at people a lot, and has inexplicably gotten good at doing it with lots of objects at a time. Anyway, same deal as before, [@Guardian Angel Haruki]: you go over Skylar's actions during Eeeeeeeeeeee's attack and her turn, and I'll go over what Rodney and Eeeeeeeeeeee do in my next post. That said, I should remind you that Eeeeeeeeeeee's attacks do five damage each, and Skylar's taken two hits already; I assume you want her to live through the fight, and that she's currently only LV 1, so I'd try to not let her get hit more than once. [/hider]