[center][h3][color=orange]The twins[/color][/h3] [img]http://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M903bf0db0f73e97009dd97c93ef9ee76o0&pid=15.1[/img] Location: cafe color codes: yellow=the mom (Sheryl) red=the dad (Phil) orange=when both are talking pink=Gage green=Aron Interacting with:Morgan, Alex [/center] [hr] Aron chuckles at the response from Alex and collects the money, before getting to work on cleaning the table. He gives the thumbs up to Morgan on the coffee and looks at Gage who nods. Sometimes gage's range of hearing is terrifying. Gage mashes up some hazelnuts and gets going on the coffee. Suddenly, a very familiar voice echoes causing both boys to freeze. A pencil snap is heard...apparently aron broke his pencil, with a rush he gets another from his pocket.[color=yellow]"Oh boys!"[/color] the singsong voice belongs to a rather short woman with strawberry blonde hair and an outfit that looks like it was stolen from the step ford wives. She stands there with a look that shows she expects to be waited on by her boys. And wait on her they do. Gage suddenly is out of the kitchen as Aron pulls a seat out for her to slide into. A glass of water is put just so then they both stand there. Waiting. [color=yellow]"I'll just have a salad honey"[/color] [color=orange]"Yes M'am"[/color] Gage disappears into the back, while aron arranges the napkin and utensils. The air around them feels tense even. Gage keeps the coffee warm for morgan and focuses on the salad. After a few moments he brings it out and place it in front of her before standing back. Once again both boys stand there while she eats. Time for them seems to have slowed down to a crawl until finally she pats her mouth puts down enough only for the food and stands. [color=yellow]"That was lovely boys, you should cook at home gage. You could use more practice. Bye boys"[/color] [color=pink]"Yes M'am"[/color] The bye was paired with a finger wave as she turns and leaves. Once she is fully out of sight, gage storms into the kitchen angry vibes pulsating from him and a plate breaking is heard. Then meat being tenderized is heard. Aron seems to release a breath he was holding as he puts the money in the register before going and cleaning the table.