[Center][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/94a004bd35137c36f02ddf6610cf9bc1/tumblr_ntbdvhTdjC1t67srpo1_1280.jpg[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Sophie%20Fairchild&name=Rainy%20Wind.ttf&size=100&style_color=00BFFF[/img] Location: The Café Interacting with: The twins [@BlackPanther], Charlie (ignoring) [@smarty0114][/center] Sophie was about to go give Charlie an earful when she felt a sudden tension in this air from the twins, the moment Sheryl had stepped in the café. While she had never talked to her personally, she could tell that the twins hated her. And personally, she didn't blame them either. If they had a reason to hate anybody, it was for a good reason. Once Sheryl left, Sophie grabbed Aron's hand and dragged him behind the counter, took out the money Gage put in for the busted plate, put her own money in to cover the costs. [color=00aeef]"I'll deal with you later. But as you can [i]clearly see[/i], I am busy with matters that are far more important than you."[/color] She replied to Charlie with a look of digust, then grabbed Gage's hand and dragged them both to the back. Once the three of them were where the customers weren't watching, Sophie hugged both of them as tightly as her weak arms could. She then stopped for a moment and stuffed Gage's money back into his apron pocket, then hugged them tightly, refusing to let them go. [color=00aeef]"Keep the money... It's yours and you earned it... It's not your fault... It's not your fault... It's OK if you want to get mad... And yell, and scream, get it all out... You two can take all of your frustrations out on me... But if you're gonna get mad you gotta do it here and you gotta do it now... Don't take it out on anything else, got it? It's not your fault... And it's going to be OK... Alright? "[/color] She murmered to them in a comforting manor, hoping that she could calm them down, even if it is only by a little bit. Strangely, her voice trembled as if she was about to cry; crying for the twins. For a while, the three just stood there in silence. Then Sophie finally released the two and took a step back and smiled at the two. [color=00aeef]" Why don't you guys take a breather to get collected? You guys can take your time and get back to work when you are ready, alright? "[/color] She told them, then got the broom and started to clean up the broken plate mess.