Eliz had been surprised for a moment, to see the tides somewhat turn in her favor and people somewhat agreeing with her. At least partially. Then of course, it stopped, a sober reminder of Eliz's own condition. The raider turned her own hideous gaze toward Maire, a hint of her teeth visible as her thin lip pressed inward, a hissing audible to those close to her. It didn't matter, Eliz knew what she needed and if not Fintan, it would be some other gallocman. [i]That's the point you useless, stupid whore, if not him someone else.[/i] She thought. Of course Maire would argue that she should do it alone, but Eliz wouldn't do her the favor of dying quietly out there. ___________________________ Rain season was well named. Still, Eliz didn't bother taking off her damp cloak or her boots as she stepped all over Jego's brewery's floor. Jago himself, a corpulent man with brown, salt and pepper hairs, couldn't care anymore after all these years, first in the old country and now here. Not that Eliz was exceptional, the Gallocmen in general tended to forget about manners while out in the field. "Oi, fry-face! Here to wish old man Fintan best of luck in his new job?" There were laugh all around. No one was sure if Fintan was lucky to live long enough to retire or not. Gallocmen rarely did. Eliz would have laughed too if the fry-face comment didn't irk her. People thought she had gotten used to it, every Gallocman had such a surname, but Eliz didn't. She never would. "Of course not. I'm here to find someone who isn't afraid of a little rain to accompany me east." At that, everyone kept silent, knowing Eliz would ultimately draft people anyways so it was best to duck down and not attract attention. Eliz sat at the edge of the table. "I'll come, if you put up the coin for the supplies." One of the bigger warrior said. Brabant the giant, towering over most of those here. Not what Eliz preferred in terms of manpower, but the meat head would probably be useful during the climb. Eliz showed a wicked smirk. "Good. You're my second in command, unless Corto or Farel join." Some laugh, though Brabant didn't mind. Still meant he was more fit for command than 15 other idiots here. Corto and Farel however eyed Eliz with more calculating gaze. The fact that they weren't as stupid as the rest meant they were also more likely to want to hear more before joining. "Now that I know who's got guts, I should tell you why you should want to come with me." The peeps leaned in, a tad more interested. Of course Eliz wouldn't do something out of the goodness of her heart. "We'll slap Nightfell's balls a little. No harm in having payment if the clan doesn't pay for it." The warriors looked at each other, some with doubt others with excitement. "I know, I know, its a long trek and we'll be in their territories, we won't be back for dinner for this one. But 'tis the season. You heard Dunlad. 'Gotta farm them crops' And all that thrall crap, right? We'll he's got a point, that's what people should do at this time of the year and that's why no one's raiding. Normally. They'll be distracted and we'll be bold." Jego placed a tankard in front of Eliz, cider weak in alcohol as she couldn't stomach anything else. "We'll hit them twice. First will be on our way in, because Nightfell should really finance our little expedition since its a god given mission, but it will also count as a bit of reconnaissance. We'll snoop around, grab some pigs or sheep and run for it, we'll all be mounted so it won't be any trouble. They expect creatures from the woods or the east, not where the other clans are so we shouldn't encounter anyone. Once we come back however is when we'll fill our pockets. It'll be a few seasons afterward, we want to be back for winter after all... Who's in?" A few hands got up, all that Eliz needed, but not what she wanted to see. "Fine, I guess the rest can have fun listening to Dunlad rant about crops and give a hand to the thralls." Suddenly almost all hands were in the air, giving Eliz ample choice. "Good. Corto, Brabant, Hilgi, you guys are with me. I'll take two hunters as well so we can be self sufficient while we're on the move." Eliz took her drink, aiming to quench her thirst before making the preparations. Farel however, who had not wished to join, spoke up. "What about clan Stormcaller?" Of course. They had no feud with Nightfell, they might not like to be part of a group raiding them. "What about them? If they don't want to participate in the raids then they simply don't. Plus, its not like they'll be joining us." People were surprised, didn't she tell the council she'd...? "Don't give me that face, we're going to Stormcaller first but as some of you might know, I don't negotiate. I'll offer them to join us, but I won't offer anything in exchange and I'll specify we won't owe any favor. In fact, they should owe us, its a courtesy and nothing more." "No, what I want to see is their reaction. These giant lovers know more about Stormpeak than we do, more about the Giants. If anyone knows if there's anything involving giant there, it will be them. And I hope they'll tell me its sacred ground because we'll go anyways and I'll find what's hiding there. Gods don't send us look around to admire the sights men, they are pointing at something. This. Is a quest." The men looked at Eliz with excitation now. It made sense, why else would the gods send them eastward? Eliz drank again, this time in silence as every man was perched on her lips. Finally, she pushed away her empty tankard. "Not a word of this to anyone, doubly so while we're at the Stormcaller village, I do all the talking. I'll find my two hunters and our horses. Stallions if I can help it to keep the mares pregnant. You will each have one and I'll have two, we don't want to lose everything at the mountain since once we're there, we'll split in two, one group will stay down with the horses while the others will follow me and climb. You go around town to do your things and I'll pay for the tab, deducted on your shares of raiding. And if any of you go to Maire for potions and try to give me the tab, it counts for double."