[center][h2]Intermission[/h2] Collab by BeastofDestiny & [@Athinar] [color=Azure]Maelyn[/color], [color=gold]Ao'Drial[/color], Jerall Day 3, Evening[/center] Maelyn played her first set, her bow flying gracefully across her instrument, she too swayed with the music and watched as the people watched and danced. She noticed at several points how a crowd was forming a ring in the center and a couple of dancers were stealing the spotlight. She grinned excitedly, knowing the couple there were dancing to her music and frankly doing very well as the crowd applauded them. Eventually she had completed the first set of songs and taken her bows, now was a time for a short intermission. Turning to her totems she played across the strings, magic gathering within them as she instructed them what to do next. On command the totems began to produce different tones and beats to produce a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suCTkUrI0dM]Smooth Jazz[/url] beat for the dancers to listen and play a slow dance to. She then exited the stage, allowing her magical companions to continue on without her, when she was suddenly intervened by a couple; the same couple on the dance floor. The male looked predominantly elven, with perhaps traits of a djinn of some kind? The woman looked human also, though perhaps a little older than she. The young violinist smiled and bowed to them, [color=Azure]"Thank you, I'm always glad when my songs are appreciated. My name is Maelyn, Maelyn Eurona, [i]Saesa omentien lle[/i]. (A pleasure meeting you)"[/color] The last part she spoke in elvish, hoping to create a stronger bond of trust by using his native tongue. She didn't know elvish to a fault, but she studied enough culture to know that giving a proper fae greeting was always appreciated, even knowing just a little, can sometimes go a very long way. [color=Azure]"You two looked like you were having quite a bit of fun out there, I could see you dancing from the stage."[/color] Her smile was bright and her eyes were sincere, [color=Azure]"And what might your names be? Are you also a part of the tower?"[/color] Ao smiled at this girl's greeting. So [i]polite![/i] [color=Gold]"Ar' y' seasa oment- lle vee' eithel, nessa Maelyn." [/color] Deciding to introduce himself, and Jerall, Ao said, [color=Gold]"My name is Ao'Drial Relvas. My subordinate here is Jerall Miphas."[/color] Winking, Ao said, [color=Gold]"I must say, though, a great deal of this fun we're having comes from the music. I haven't enjoyed a party this much for... about forty years?"[/color] Rolling her eyes, Jerall nudged him in the ribs, and took the girl's hand. "It's true, he's usually a grumpy curmudgeon. Your music is [i]so[/i] beautiful! Where did you learn?" Ao smiled, and spoke up. [color=Gold]"Yes, to answer your question, we are from the tower as well. I am a Knight Captain, and Jerall remains a Knight."[/color] Jerall glared at him, and kicked back at his shins. Jumping over the kick with the grace only Elves had, he smiled. [color=Gold]"Unfortunately, Jerall, dresses weren't made for fighting in."[/color] He looked up at Maelyn, and took in her outfit with a smile and a long look. [color=Gold]"Most of them, at least."[/color] The attractive Elf winked, and leaned on Jerall's shoulders, placing his chin on top of her head, looking at Maelyn. [color=Gold]"But I am curious about where you learned. Where in the world could've someone taught you to play so beautifully?"[/color] Maelyn laughed at their antics, the two of them seemed like an old married couple. She briefly wondered if such relationships were allowed within the tower, considering they were at the leader of said tower's wedding however, that was probably her answer. [color=Azure]"It's a pleasure to meet you both,"[/color] her smile was wide and sincere, she was happy that her music had given them such enjoyment, but now they wanted to know how she learned her trade. Maelyn took a step back and looked into their eager and inquisitve faces, [color=Azure]"The violin is just something I've played all my life, I started learning at a very young age. My tutors taught me well, but I was always interested in learning songs from other cultures, something they could never teach me. It wasn't until I joined the gypsies with my brother, around a decade or so ago, that I was able to really let my talent flourish."[/color] Maelyn's eyes traveled towards the skies, [color=Azure]"We traveled to so many different lands, met so many people and I learned a great deal from them. I think in all my travels though, the only one I could truly call my mentor was our Shamaness, Alara. She taught me most everything I know, even how to conjure beings like those."[/color] She gestured towards the totems, still playing their jazzy tune. Ao's eyebrows raised even more, and a twinkle of recognition sparkled in his eyes. [color=Gold]"Little Alara is the Shamaness? I knew she could do it!"[/color] Still leaning on Jerall's head, he smiled. [color=Gold]"I always knew she had wanted to become the Shamaness. Good on her for following her dream."[/color] As if thinking for a bit, Ao pulled something out of his pocket. Handing it to Maelyn, he pressed her hand around the object, a silver bullet. Winking, he stood up, saying, [color=Gold]"If you ever find yourself in need of help, at any time, whisper, [i]Alexandriae reges autem stultitiam[/i] to the bullet. Trust me."[/color] Straightening up, he bowed to her, and said, while taking Jerall's arm, [color=Gold]"I am afraid that with our conversation, I have both neglected my Knight, and caused you to be held up before your next set."[/color] Walking away, he looked back to the girl. [color=Gold]"I look forward to hearing it!"[/color] The two walked back into the crowd, smiling. "I think that she is the nicest little thing to ever grace the Tower." Jerall had a wistful look on her face, as if reminded of something. [color=Gold]"I agree, Jerall. However, I recall a certain Knight acting similarly back when she arrived at the Tower, herself."[/color] Ao looked pointedly at his partner for the evening, causing her to roll her eyes. "Oh, come on, I was [i]NEVER[/i] that polite." Ao simply looked at her, eyebrows raised. "I really wasn't!" Ao began to chuckle, causing Jerall to get flustered. "Ao!" Laughing outright, the two reached the dance floor, where a.... situation was unfolding. Sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose, Ao began to frown as he walked towards the children. And Calder. When he reached the situation, he didn't say anything. He just stood there, hands behind his back, very presence intimidating. If anyone said [i]one[/i] more word.... [@Tracyarmav][@Jangel13][@Wind Wild][@Viciousmarrow] [hr] Her eyes widened, [color=Azure]"You knew Alara?!"[/color] Maelyn revisited her memories of the old shamaness. The woman had told her many tales, even those of the fae and elves, but there were far too many to recount to pinpoint which of them could have been of "Ao of The Tower". Taken from her own thoughts, the elf suddenly pressed something small and metal into her hand; a bullet. She looked up at him, suddenly confuse as he began explaining how to use the bullet, she didn't understand the words, but she trusted what he had to say. Nodding with a smile on her face, she bid the two farewell as they wandered their way back out to the crowd. Turning towards the stage she took another look at the bullet in her hand, and gripped it tightly before taking her steps. It was almost time for the first dance for the bride and groom, she had to find her brother. Maelyn closed her left eye, requesting access to its partner, Elias obliged and both were connected to the others vision, she'd be able to find him in no time. [hr] [center][color=RosyBrown]Elias[/color][/center] His challenge ignored by the two ingrates, he took it upon himself to drink, regardless of who would or wouldn't be drinking with him. It was by his third drink that his left eye began to glow, his sister calling him, probably time to go onstage. He smacked himself in the face a couple of times to sober up and stepped off the bar stool just as Maelyn approached. [color=Azure]"Elias, its time for our performance."[/color] [color=RosyBrown]"Yea, yea,"[/color] he sniffed and began walking towards the stage, following in his sister's footsteps. Suddenly the young woman stopped and turned on her heels, Elias raising an eyebrow at the sudden motion. [color=Azure]"Do you think you could hold onto something for me? I don't have any pockets to put this in..."[/color] [color=RosyBrown]"What is it?"[/color] Suddenly a silver bullet was presented and placed in his hand, [color=RosyBrown]"Where'd you get this from?"[/color] Even more questions began flooding his mind. [color=Azure]"I made a friend today,"[/color] she smiled simply, [color=Azure]"Now, come on, we have a song to play."[/color] Elias looked at the object and shrugged, he'd find out more later, but for now, he had to fulfill his obligations. Shoving the bullet in his pocket his sister took to the stage and he grabbed a guitar case that was placed to the side of the stage. Opening it, he grabbed its contents, a classy looking acoustic guitar, a rental Maelyn had picked up from a shop a few days ago, because his electric guitar was 'too harsh'. He scoffed and picked up the instrument, climbing the stage to meet her, it was almost time for the newly weds song. [@TheMerlinHawk] [@Grin]