[h1][center][color=silver]Sheriff Colton[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] [center] Location: The Lake then Cafe Time: 6:00am to 12:45pm Interacting With: Officer Jackson, People at the Redlake Cafe[/center] [hr] [color=silver]"I don't like this Jackson, there are wolf tracks everywhere then they just disappear. People have spotted the damn thing all around this region yet when push comes to shove, we haven't found shit. I mean, wolves just don't disappear do they? No scat, no animal carcasses. I don't like it." [/color] said a disgruntled Dave. He was crouched down just in some woods next to the famous Redlake. His eyes were wondering around a small patch of dirt were the wolves tracks abruptly ended. It was as if the damn thing just shot up and flew away. he got up and turned to look at the rookie, Jackson. Just got out of training and fresh by all accounts. Jackson didn't even look like he had been paying attention, instead he was gazing out at the water. [color=silver]"Jackson!"[/color] Jackson jumped slightly before turning to face the Sheriff, "Ah shit sir, wolves are finicky critters I heard. Don't know much about em though. It'll probably run out of here eventually, just you wait." Sheriff Colton sighed, as much as he wanted to disagree with Jackson, he was probably right. If on the off chance he was wrong though and the wolf did become a problem, well he let the though drift away as he gazed at the lake as well. Finally he motioned for Jackson to move on, [color=silver]"Come on, lets get back to town. You have your patrols to do and I have paperwork. Joy." [/color] [hr] After what seemed like an age, Sheriff Colton grudgingly filled out reports and other essential items of business. It was high passed twelve-thirty when his stomach began to grumble. Time for some lunch and a much needed break, his hands had began to cramp up. As he left the building, he was thankful that not much had happened that day. Well not yet at least. Colton shook his head, boy oh boy did he enjoy quiet days. After a short drive he reached the tne Red Lake Cafe, an old place that he enjoyed he enjoye and that meant it was alright in his books. He opened the door, to be greeted by the aroma of food. It made his mouth water. Sheriff Colton walked up the the counter and took a seat at on of the bar stools and looked through the menu. He'd wait to place his order.