[center][h2][b]Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo[/b] [color=8882be][b]Asoka "Mercury"[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] "[color=8882be]Not the talkative type huh? I can respect that.[/color]" '[color=8882be][i]And it so happens to be convenient. The less they talk, the weaker my headache will be.[/i][/color]' Rin wasn't resisting whatsoever, which was indeed a good thing, at least for Asoka. It'd be an obvious truth by now for Hana that such behaviors fared well with the little tyrant, individuals showing zero signs of confrontation or initiatives to take the spotlight. Not without her agreement, at least. Finally they would seem to finally be getting out of this overly humid rathole, heck she could swear she was feeling fungus grow into the warmer crevices of her body, such as her armpits. Don't get any wrong ideas. But no, Hana had to make this last even longer by making the remark that there wouldn't be any space for the whole pack. This prompted a very defined and rude roll of Asoka's eyes accompanied with an unrestricted sigh. '[color=8882be][i]For a medic, you sure aren't practical. Here goes me considering you as a reliable scalpel for random shit. For Christ's sake.[/i][/color]' She would lift her hand as Hana was talking whilst gaining that upset look on her face, the same she had when she smacked that hand earlier. Everyone had to stop for a moment, because this wasn't going to work out, that's for sure. It didn't help that one of the kids, the other boy that didn't fling his Kagune around, had a not so pleasing tone either. Asoka tried to pull herself together and quickly find a solution that didn't involve some creepy van to carry kids of all people. "[color=8882be]Hana, a van? Seriously? Care to paint 'free candy' on it too? As if the CCG ain't bad enough, we get the pedo squad too. Just ... Okay wait I have an idea.[/color]" She walked up to the kids who were probably sick and tired of the endless machinations of the adults, her fingers brushing against her chin as she considered this idea of her's. After about three seconds, she ended up randomly pointing at the Takeshi kid for no apparent reason before opening her mouth once more. "[color=8882be]Eenie, meenie, miny, moe, catch a tiger by the toe, if it hollers let it go, eenie, meenie, miny, moe![/color]" Her finger ended up on Mii, in which a lot of irrational anxiety consumed her, as well as everyone else really for none of them knew what was going on. What did this mean? Was she going to kick one out? Kill one? Force one to drive? Well no, not really. Actually, all of this would be irrelevant as she would just grab Takeshi by the shoulder with her absurdly high strength and toss him over to Rin's thighs inside the car. "[color=8882be]You're sitting on Rin's knees. The twins can sit on each other, and the remaining two can do the same. Hana, you sit shotgun, I'll sit on you. We're going morning-after-house-party-with-only-one-car-available-mode. Call me Buddha.[/color]" A solution was found, everyone would be happy. They would probably break a law or two, but it would beat having a bunch of kids in a van. Even if they weren't caught, that'd just up the creepy factor. Asoka invited everyone to take their seats, glaring at Hana in particular. Asoka's impatience was something one shouldn't put to the test. Ever. "[b]Wait, what the hell is this, Asoka? You think you can just bring a bunch of ... Oh fuck are they ghouls too?! Awwh fucking hell, you're pushing it. And at the third ward too?![/b]" "[color=8882be]Shut the fuck up. You're more of a pussy than my goddamn cat. I helped you steal this rig anyway. Consider this my fucking commission.[/color]" The male driver, clearly a ghoul by his smell, looked to be in his mid twenties, at most his early thirties. Asoka knew him from university, and being ghouls, they evidently had their double lives clash. In what ways, that would be something she wouldn't just reveal when he's around. But in any case, after he response, all he did was give a begrudging pout before shaking his head and activating the ignition of his SUV. They would leave once everyone inside, and it would be up to Hana to guide them to her current lair.