[center][h1][color=lightgreen]Riley Walker[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/yw6PCiQybvtxm/giphy.gif[/img] [i]Location: Jake's Café Interacting With: [@Anima]'s Kimberly Thatcher, [@BeautifulSnow]'s Vanessa Von Strong & [@Meiyuki]'s Alyssa Paige[@Damo021]'s Miranda Burke &[@smarty0114]'s Avalon Jones[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Riley smiled as she hugged Miranda rather tightly her friend was like a big cuddly teddy bear and always hugged her friend. She turned her attention towards Avalon as she said she was going to be in the BnB for a few days and then asked about the trip that she had been setting up for the past few months like they had done every year. [color=lightgreen]"Well that makes us next door neighbors then, or roommates if you chose to sleep in my room, which I don't mind sharing."[/color] Riley said towards Avalon and then looked towards her friends for a few seconds and then smiled even more. [color=lightgreen]"Well every year we have a camping trip up to the lake every year around this time. If you don't mind ruffing it under the stars for a few days you are totally welcome to join!"[/color] Riley smiled wrapping an arm over Avalon's shoulder and then started to think about grabbing the RV now as well so that its out of the way. [color=lightgreen]"We were about to go get the RV for the trip to if you want to tag along after we get some food?"[/color]