[center][h2][i][color=ed145b]Nadia Parnel[/color][/i][/h2][sub]Bride of [color=808000]Exon[/color] ([@Ellion]) and sister-bride to [color=33d6c2]Saisri[/color] ([@RomanAria])[/sub][/center] Nadia breathed a sigh of relief as Exon said that he'd let the man live and then smiled as he told her his name. [color=ed145b]"It's nice to meet you, Exon."[/color] As she was led back to the group, she found that she liked her husband's name very much. It was fun to say, to think even. And it was so different from the names of those she knew back in Geminia. It was, rougher, and didn't roll off the tongue the way most Gem names did. It seemed more powerful. She was shaken from her thoughts as Exon suddenly released her hand and started fussing over Sarsri. Looking around for some hint as to what had happened while she and her husband had been away, she noticed one of Exon's older brothers on the ground at about the same time as Exon himself did. The other brother said something to Exon that didn't quite register in Nadia's mind as she tried to get over the shock of the scene, and wondering what she should do. She had almost gone over to the fallen brother to help him up, but after the one walked off, she felt Exon take her hand again as he asked Sarsri and his brother to explain the scene. His brother was quick to accuse Sarsri, and Nadia wasn't sure if he would attack her or not. From the look in his eyes he certainly wanted to. Exon seemed to diffuse the situation, at least, his brother left without hurting anyone, although something he said before he left stuck in her mind. Sarsri spoke next, and if she hadn't been so, calm, Nadia might have believed without a doubt that she was telling nothing but truth. But, the way that she and Exon's brother talked made it seem like they'd both done something wrong. Of course what Sarsri could have done to incite that scene was beyond Nadia, though she may have just been the target of a grumpy Drakken. Once she was done speaking, Nadia turned to Exon and spoke before he could say something, to try and protect her sister-bride, if only slightly. [color=ed145b]"Before your brother left he said, "provoked or otherwise," and then with what Sarsri just said... he did something to start this?"[/color] She ended the statement as if it were a question, but hoped that Exon would come to the same conclusion himself. Then, looking to Sarsri she asked what was really bugging her. [color=ed145b]"Are you alright Sarsri?"[/color] She may not have any injuries but, Nadia knew there was more to hurting someone than just pain. [hider=Summary]Nadia likes Exon's name, and is surprised by the scene between his Brother and Sarsri. She attempts to help keep Sarsri out of the doghouse by pointing out that Exon's brother isn't without fault, with proof from his own words. also, there's a reason Nadia's so... [i]fragile[/i][/hider]