Just as Blake finally moved on from a particularly challenging question (for him) he finally heard a sub start chewing Mina out for drawing for once. It's not that he purposefully ignored it whenever it happened, it's just that he literally always happened to be intensely focused on figuring out a question at those moments. That, and he just so happened to be seated on the opposite side of the room from her. Tests may make a room quiet, but unless you screamed in his ear Blake just wasn't likely to hear anything if he was particularly focused. Back to the matter at hand, Blake just raised his head and hand up at Om. [color=yellow]"She really is,"[/color] he added to Alden's defense, [color=yellow]"I see her do it after tests sometimes and our teacher doesn't get mad over it."[/color] Surprisingly enough, yes, he has in fact finished tests before time was up to see it. He didn't really see what the sub's problem was. It was one thing if she was sharing her answers around, but from where he was sitting it didn't look like there was really any way for her to do that either. With that out of his system, Blake went right back into his test. Just a few more questions to solve! Just a few more... Oh goodness these are the things he has the toughest time with... Blake scratched his head and just kept at it to figure it out.