[h2][color=darkturquoise]Devon the Totodile[/color][/h2] [h3][color=forestgreen]Tranquil Forest, just outside Valiant Village[/color][/h3] Next to a tall oak tree, the crumpled form of a small blue reptile lay on it's back unconscious in the grass. The moonlight slightly putting the creature in a bit of a spotlight as it twitched slightly. After a few moments, the Totodile of odd coloration finally came to. It let out a groan, and cracked open it's eyelids to stare directly at the starry sky. In it's mind, it attempted to process the situation as it's large jaws hung open. [color=darkturquoise][i]Ugh.....What....What happened? I think I was.....No...I-I can't remember what I was doing....Or what...What's my name? Who am I!?[/i][/color] The alarmed crocodile sat up fully, and it's head shot to every angle in a panicked frenzy. [color=darkturquoise][i].....Where am I!? I don't remember being in....A forest? I think that's what this is..Trees and stuff....And...I swear I was with others....Are they here?[/i][/color] Putting it's tiny clawed hands to it's mouth, the Totodile called out in it's raspy, clearly young masculine voice. [color=darkturquoise]"Hello? Is anyone around?"[/color] The nameless Pokémon would frown deeply as he sat just staring off into the void of darkness beyond the trees in the clearing. [color=darkturquoise][i]....That Didn't sound right. It's my voice but....It just doesn't FEEL like my voice. Like I'm speaking differently than I'm used to....Maybe I heard it wrong?...I dunno.[/i][/color] Finally the Totodile stood up, and began to wobble as he almost fell over onto his butt before wildly waving his arms and tail to regain balance. Huffing, he stared down at his little blue toes and narrowed his eyes. [color=darkturquoise][i]Ok...This REALLY doesn't feel right. But why? They're my legs. I've always been a uh....To..Totodile? Yeah....That sounds right.[/i][/color] Staring ahead of him, he took a few steps forward. He was than hesitant for a moment before he continued towards the tree line. Shuffling along at a slow pace, the Totodile awkwardly wobbled every which way. Thankfully he was able to catch his balance every time thanks to leaning back on the tail dragging behind him. Making it to the edge of the trees, the Big Jaw Pokémon looked behind him and grinned at his progress. [color=darkturquoise]"Hey, that wasn't so bad! Tail helps alot...But I don't remember using it much before? Huh..."[/color] A cry rang out from beyond the trees in front of the little Tototile. Causing him to stare blankly for a bit before snapping out of his daze. [color=darkturquoise]"Who was that? Is it one of the guys I was with? Whoever it is, sounds like somethings going down. I should check it out."[/color] With a straight goal in his mind, the lizard wandered off towards the sound of the plea for help while slowly picking up the pace as he hobbled around on his oddly unfamiliar legs. The Totodile had eventually jogged his way to the edge of the crevice, and scanned the cliffs before looking down into the darkness once the cries continued to sound off. A bit of worry was on his face as he shouted down into the void. [color=darkturquoise]"Hey! What's going on!? Who needs help!?"[/color] [@Shiny Keldeo]