[h1][color=Red]Takeshi[/color][/h1] Takeshi gave Hana a cold stare as she playfully admonished him, rather unamused by her statement. Who the hell was she to tell him what he could or couldn't say, even if it was just a jest. He might be going along with situation and grateful for the food, but that didn'st mean that he would let himself become a toy for this woman, or a subordinate for the short one. [color=Red]"Try it and I will bite you. That's a promise."[/color] He turned away, looking over the others as the adults bickered some more, before the tyrant suddenly pointed at him. Before he could say anything, she proceeded to go down the line, seeming to be trying to decide which one of them would be the victim of her latest scheme. As her finger landed on, Takeshi was ready to just tell her to fuck off if she tried to kick one of them out or whatever she had planned. So he was definitely caught by surprise when she suddenly grabbed him by the shoulder([color=Red][i]What the hell is with that gorilla-like strength?[/i][/color]) and tossed him into the van, where he landed on the quiet girl's thighs. He was quick to get up, turning to give the older woman a piece of his mind, but she quickly explained her plan to everyone, and he couldn't help but agree that it was the best way to fit everyone in. He closed his mouth with a grunt, going back over and sitting on the quiet girl's lap, not even looking at her as he stared out the car door window, eyes closed as a much more prominent blush spread on his face. He opened his eyes a little to look back at Rin, but shut it and turned away just as quickly, letting out a sigh of annoyance at the situation, feeling a bit uncomfortable at having to sit on the lap of a girl that he barely knew. [sub][sub][color=Red]"I'll call you something, alright."[/color][/sub][/sub] He muttered under his breath, hoping that they'd get a move on all ready, so he could get out of this awkward position already. This was going to be a long night, he could already feel it.