[center] [color=008B8B][h1][i]Morgan Thatcher & Alexandria Robins[/i][/h1][/color] [color=008B8B][h1][i] "The Duet" [/i][/h1][/color] [img]http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/13300000/Willa-Holland-willa-holland-13327239-303-445.jpg[/img] [img]http://s4.favim.com/orig/141003/black-and-white-pll-pretty-little-liars-spencer-Favim.com-2120434.png[/img] [i]Location: Outside Red Lake Cafe Interacting with: Each other, anyone in the general area[/i] [/center] Alex looked at Morgan, then down to the book before gently taking it and flipping through, occasionally stopping on a page to hum the notes to herself. She broke out into a grin after humming a few notes and realised she was still in fact on planet earth and not by herself, and blushed furiously looking down at her feet. [color=00a99d]"I...you have some really good stuff in here.."[/color] she said, stumbling over her own words. [color=00a99d]"I've tried to write lyrics, but they never end up sounding very good.."[/color] she handed the book back, trying to (albeit failing to) hide the fact she was still as red as a beet. Shuffling her feet ever so slightly, Morgan watched as Alex turned the pages of her notebook. Already she was going hypercritical. The notebook wasn't meant to be shared with anyone. It was where her rough draft stuff had a chance to stay hidden until she could clean things up. Namely, Noteflight on her computer. This was a rare exception. There wasn't enough folks in Red Lake to satiate her musical passion. Which was probably why she reached out to Alex. When Alex finished looking through her notebook, Morgan tilted her head to the side and gave her an shy smile. [color=008B8B]"Words are hard,"[/color] she said. [color=008B8B]"I suck at speaking. When I put words to music though and sing it? It makes all the sense in the world."[/color] Taking the book back, Morgan noticed the shade of red spread across Alex's face. She arched an eyebrow. [color=008B8B]"So. You're blushing hardcore,"[/color] she said tentatively. [color=008B8B]"Too warm for you? Weather?"[/color] Alex could feel her heart stop for a moment as Morgan spoke up [color=00a99d]"U-uh....yeah. It's pretty warm."[/color] she stammered, turning around to close up her instrument cases begging her face to return to normal before Morgan realised why it was as red as it was. Of course this happened now, right when she had actually held a conversation with someone new. But was it? Morgan watched as Alex closed up the instrument cases. To the best of her knowledge, it was a pretty average day for Red Lake. Humid, 80s-90s, and sunny. Well, maybe for a new comer, it was hot she supposed. She looked up, an idea forming in her head. Alex turned around and tried her hardest not to blush - to her surprise it worked - and pulled her hair up into a ponytail. [color=00a99d]"So, would you wanna come over and hang out later, perhaps get my studio set up and jam out a bit?"[/color] she asked, hoping she didn't sound like the biggest nervous wreck. There was something that Alex admired about Morgan, whether it was how into music she was or how [i]gorgeous[/i] she was, it was hard for her to stay.....normal around her. Morgan was watching as Alex put up her hair until her attention was drawn elsewhere. Jam invite? She was down. Reaching into her bag, Morgan pulled out her phone. [color=008B8B]"Number swap? I'm most certainly down to jam. Do you need me to bring anything? Oh. I don't think it's exclusive, but there's this trip. It's tomorrow. Would you ... be interested in going?"[/color] [color=00a99d]"Number swap."[/color] she pulled out her own phone and showed Morgan her number before quickly typing in Morgan's. She pocketed the device and looked back up at Morgan, her face now back to normal [color=00a99d]"I mean, once we get the studio set up I have my keyboard you can play, and I have two mics. If you wanna bring anything, feel free."[/color] She nodded to herself, content with how that had come out. As Morgan spoke again, her attention was piqued. [color=00a99d]"A trip? Where to? I mean I'll make sure Mum and Dad don't need my help but I'd love to go!"[/color] Alex was thrilled. An awesome sandwich, a new friend, a jam session and an invitation to a trip of some sort within the first hour of being there. Living in Red Lake was going to be great. Inputting Alex's number, Morgan nodded. [color=008B8B]"Right! A trip. Riley put it together. My sister - twin - and her are like this,"[/color] Morgan said as she crossed her pointer and middle finger together. [color=008B8B]"Inseparable. But definitely try. It'd be nice to have someone go with me. Well, like, someone like me. Like, music. Someone who likes music like me. It makes it easier to talk."[/color] She laughed. [color=008B8B]"Sometimes I just sing lyrics. Impromptu. Have you ever had that feeling where lyrics kinda roll off the tongue easier? But I'm rambling. Short and skinny? My life is a musical."[/color] Fidgeting her hands together, Morgan padded her bag. [color=008B8B]"I'll just bring my handy dandy notebook then. Other than pianos and keyboards - or singing - I'm kinda useless,"[/color] she said. [color=008B8B]"Can't play four different instruments like you."[/color] Morgan smiled. [color=008B8B]"I'm kinda jealous."[/color] [color=00a99d]"Hey, I'm down for a trip. Hell we could grab some CD's and sing the whole way there!"[/color] She laughed, shaking her head gently. [color=00a99d]"Sounds good, and if you wanted I could totally try teaching you one of them if you want. Your choice. I'm down for just jamming for a few hours."[/color] Alex smiled at Morgan, her own hands clasped in front of her. On this particular day Alex had decided to wear her lightweight tan pants, her regular boots and a white tank top, forgoing a fancy shirt for comfort during the long ride in the truck. Morgan covered her mouth as she laughed. [color=008B8B]"Careful what you suggest. I take car jam session very seriously,"[/color] she said playfully. [color=008B8B]"You'd be willing to teach my something? Well, I wouldn't be opposed. I warn you though, I'm terrible. Except the exceptions I mentioned before. I tried playing the guitar once. God. My mom never gets mad. She told me to quit that racket. But, um, just, uh. Crap. Okay. Right. I'd love to learn the saxophone. I have a soft spot for jazz. Chet Baker? Oh my god."[/color] Though she could go on about the legendary jazz player, Morgan stopped herself from rambling. She hated that. Rambling. Why was talking so hard? [color=00a99d]"I imagine my parents will have moved most of the bigger stuff in already so it's really just a matter of hanging all the sound foam up, setting up my drum set and the mics and quickly hooking my laptop up to the mics if we wanted to record anything."[/color] She looked to Morgan, trying to read what she was thinking [color=00a99d]"Of course we don't to record anything. Just for giggles, y'know?"[/color] Morgan snapped her fingers. [color=008B8B]"I work at the local music store here. I kinda, sorta know my way around that stuff. If you wanted help, I'm more than happy,"[/color] she said. When Alex mentioned they didn't have to record anything, Morgan grinned mischiviously. She pulled out her phone and opened Sound Cloud. Going to her page, she clicked on her 'Sia - Titanium' cover. She paused it. Hooking up her earphones, she offered them to Alex. [color=008B8B]"Want a teaser of what you're getting yourself into? Consider it a casual audition."[/color] She gave Alex a wink. [color=008B8B]"Hopefully it's not too horrendous. Just, um, well just take a listen. If you want that is..."[/color] Alex carefully popped the earbuds in and hit play, the music filling her ears. She had to admit, Morgan had quite a pair of lungs on her. Man could that girl sing. Some of the notes in that song were really hard to hit consistently and Alex admired the raw talent Morgan had. After the song was through, she suddenly felt the need to reciprocate the "audition" and smirked to herself before turning around and pulling her trumpet case back up. She hopped into the back of her jeep and placed some sheet music up, out of sight to Morgan. Alex inserted the mouthpiece into the trumpet and wet her lips a bit, quickly stuffing a mute onto the end of the trumpet before beginning to play the trumpet solo from "La Vie en Rose" by Louis Armstrong. She played the instrument fluidly and smoothly, closing her eyes a few notes in. She'd learned the song in ninth grade and had practically had it memorized. She lost herself in the song, swaying gently back and forth as the music filled the air. [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0myQtLC2ZDw&nohtml5=False[/youtube][/center] Taking her phone back, Morgan watched Alex as she took out her trumpet. About to ask what Alex was about to do, she opted for silence. When Alex finished preparing her instrument and stuffing something in the trumpet, Morgan almost melted to her knees. The lady was playing 'La Vie en Rose'. It was a wonderful classic to everyone who had cultured taste in music. While Morgan enjoyed contemporary music, she was an old soul stuck in a young body. She had no one to thank in her family for that, but her grandma and grandpa from dad's side. She still remembered the day they showed her the classics. Gramps told her to turn off her devil music and listen to real music. Hours later - the phonograph still playing - gramp's brainwashing was complete. Tapping her foot to the impeccable rhythm, Morgan knew she'd found a gem. A female gem. Hearing the spot that the singer traditionally came in at, she took a deep breath as she started to sing: [color=008B8B][i]Hold me close and hold me fast This magic spell you cast This la vie en rose... When you kiss me heaven sighs And though I close my eyes I see la vie en Rose ... When you press me to your heart I'm in a world apart A world where roses bloom...[/i][/color] Taking a quiet, quick deep breath, it was time to add the Morgan flair. Morgan sang the next verse with her trademark vibrato as she took liberties with the notes while staying within key: [color=008B8B][i]And when you speak, angels sing from above Everyday words seem to turn into love songs[/i][/color] Recovering, Morgan came in to the last part of the song with a controlled, lullaby-esque tone contrasting her previous diva forte: [color=008B8B][i]Give your heart and soul to me And life will always be la vie en rose...[/i][/color] Alex took a deep breath as Morgan came to the end of the song, the biggest smile on her face as she played the ending solo on her trumpet with remarkable accuracy. She continued to sway back and forth slowly as she played, and as she came to the end of the piece, she drew out the last note for what seemed like an eternity before lowering the trumpet. Alex could not get the stupid grin off of her face, especially with the small crowd of people that had gathered around them. That was surely one way to make a grand entrance. After packing her trumpet back up, she looked back to Morgan, the big, warm smile plastered across her face. [color=00a99d]"Five o'clock, my place?"[/color] Exhiliaration couldn't describe what Morgan was feeling in that moment. Her heart raced not out of nervousness but out of excitement. From having fun. She looked about and saw familiar faces in the crowd. She waved as Mr. and Mrs. Johnston stood amongst the crowd. They held each other close and only smiled at the dynamic duo. This ... was what online crowds couldn't bring. This only made her dream that much more real. Even if it was a small town crowd that she knew, who cared? Turning back to Alex, she leaned against the yellow jeep. Hearing the invitation, Morgan smirked. [color=008B8B]"So I passed the audition?"[/color] she asked. [color=008B8B]"Five o'clock your place. I'll bring some sheet music. Originals mind you."[/color] [color=00a99d]"I feel like we might have some recording to do together."[/color] Morgan smiled. [color=008B8B]"Funny. I feel the same way."[/color]