[@Light Lord] [h3][color=0072bc]Rico and Lulu the Riolu Twins[/color], [color=007236]Tranquil Forest Crevice[/color][/h3] Rico was beginning to lose hope, when he heard the raspy voice from the darkness. Granted that voice nearly sent a chill down his spine, but he was just happy that someone was out here. [color=0072bc]"W...Who's there? Please... I need help..."[/color] He contemplated whether he should trust this random stranger that he couldn't even see... but his instincts were taking the place of his rational thought for once. [color=0072bc]"My sister... she fell from one of these trees, she's hurt bad... she won't respond to me either, I'm... I'm really scared... I don't even know why I'm saying all this... I'm stuttering... I can't get her out of here myself..."[/color] He was hurriedly scanning the top of the crevice, looking for the Pokemon who had called out to him, and for any kind of way up. Sweat was beginning to bead down his face, he was caught between a rock and a hard place... [color=0072bc]"I'm gonna ask again... who are you? Where are you? And please, help!"[/color] His rational thought finally started coming back to him, what was he doing?! For all he knew this could be some kind of outlaw who would save them then mug them! Then again, he could be truly helpful, but he definitely didn't come from Valiant Village, he'd never heard that voice before in his life... Whatever it was, he could be their only chance to get out of there.