[hr][hr][center][h3][color=salmon]Kylie Reese[/color][/h3][img]http://i.imgur.com/bfpVhkJ.png[/img] [sub]Collab with [@lovely complex][/sub][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=salmon][i]'RIP in pepperonis red hair! I went blonde today. :3 #Change'[/i][/color][/center] Kylie sent an updated picture of herself onto her Twitter feed, clad in short shorts and a revealing tank top. Her mind had been stuck on [i]change[/i] all morning, so she'd conned Riley into taking her to the mall so she could "put in applications" around 9am. However, the former redhead never had any intention to do such: she was going to get her hair professionally dyed. While she was at, Kylie had also gotten extensions. It had only cost her $375 too! Sure, she knew she owed the IRS money, but this was spending money to make money! Everybody liked blondes, so her Twitter feed was sure to blow up and maybe there would be more incentive pay from her sponsors. That job interview with her brother's friend was definitely in the bag now too. Plus... it helped that she knew Riley had a thing for blondes... So... maybe... Just maybe he'd be more attracted to her. Right now, Kylie stood outside of an H&M, a bag filled with clothes in her hand. Her twin had given her hell on the way here about wearing such skimpy clothing, but it was just what she thought was comfortable. However, the more she thought about it, it ended up being that Riley was right. Nobody was going to hire an abundance of sex appeal unless you were a stripper or a prostitute. She had to be business sexy! So Kylie had bought a new business suit, fit for a working woman. That was $120 right there. [color=Mediumpurple]"Your hair looks great."[/color] Seemingly from out of nowhere, a petite blonde woman with striking green eyes approached Kylie, a Coach handbag on her shoulder. This lady bled money, just from sheer appearances. However, her expression spoke a certain kindness Kylie wasn't able to ignore. [color=salmon]"Um... Thanks. I just got it done at Addendum and Errata's."[/color] the Reese told the woman, trying her best to work on her social skills. [i][color=salmon]'Just breathe... relax. You can do this.'[/color][/i] The opposing woman held out a hand and smiled brightly. [color=mediumpurple]"I'm Jenny. I can't help but feel like I've seen you before..."[/color] A bit hesitantly, Kylie took Jenny's hand and shook it. [color=salmon]"Er... Maybe? I'm naturally a redhead, but I come to the mall pretty often. "[/color] Much to the Reese's surprise, Jenny held up a hand and her smile got even brighter. [color=mediumpurple]"Ohmygod. SHUT. UP. You're Kylie, aren't you?![/color] While her newly found acquaintance squealed in delight, Kylie just sat there with a puzzled look on her face. Was this one of her fans? [color=salmon]"Yeah, I'm Kylie. How'd you know?"[/color] “[color=mediumpurple]Just a wild guess, Sweetheart. After all, your family has been the talk of the town lately. RIP Ma and Pa, right?[/color]” The petite blonde took in her ex lover’s twin and couldn’t help but glue her stare on the other woman’s face. “[color=mediumpurple]But enough with the awkward formalities. Why don’t we go to Ulta and get our makeup done?! I’m sure your brother would be hella surprised. [/color]” A light chuckle slipped out of Jenny’s lips. Meanwhile, Kylie was a bit confused about how this stranger knew her brother. [color=salmon]”Huh? How do you know Riley?”[/color] she pondered out loud. She supposed they could have been in the same class or something together, but her twin had never said anything about anyone that looked like the blonde in front of her. Jenny’s reaction was an obvious glower at the mere fact that Riley did not ONCE mention her, “[color=mediumpurple]Classic Riri! He can introduce a fuckin’ goody two shoes bitch but not me?[/color]” For a moment, the blonde was talking to herself and thinking of ways to get back at her ex to remind him what he was missing. “[color=mediumpurple]We dated for a good year before his ‘Claire-bear’ came into the picture. I guess Sophi is the only one who knew. HA![/color]” The Reese twin jumped a bit as Jenny got a bit irate. She’d never known about this chick, yet here she was. Strange. A year and Riley had never mentioned a single word about Jenny. Kylie supposed her brother had dated her out of pity and didn’t want anyone to know because he was ashamed. Classic Riley. However, she did notice that her twin definitely had a type now: Claire was blonde, Jenny was blonde, ALL of the models on his walls were blonde. Looks like she chose the right color to dye her hair. [color=salmon]”Well that’s shitty. I mean… we can still do the Ulta thing if you want.”[/color] she offered. “[color=mediumpurple]Of course we’re doing it, I wasn’t giving you an option. I also think you should [i]definitely[/i] change into those clothes.[/color]” She gestured to the shopping bag and continued to coo on, “[color=mediumpurple]We can grab a bite to eat at your little diner. I bet none of your family will recognize you~[/color]” [hr] The two girls had gotten to the Queen’s Orchid in minutes, it felt like. If there was anything Kylie truly knew about Jenny right now, it was that she was a [i]terrible, terrible[/i] driver who went too fast. At least she was able to squeak out a text to Tara before the motion sickness caught up with her. [i][color=salmon]'idk what time ill b home tho b/c i have an enterview at 3. but yah sounds fun.'[/color][/i] But seriously, they had almost hit 3 people on the way here. Not to mention the god awful parking job she did. Jenny's tiny blue-and-white Mini Cooper was somehow taking up [i]three[/i] parking spots. Needless to say, Kylie was relieved to exit the vehicle. [sub][@Knight of Doom][/sub] Now clad in her [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/09/3c/3d/093c3d8443a04323349046ca11225eaf.jpg]business suit[/url] and pancaked with [url=http://stylebyevie.webjet.sk/images/proom-make-up-32.jpg]make-up[/url], she absolutely appeared to be a different person. The twin doubted any of her family would recognize her since she rarely wore make-up anyway. Granted… this particular makeover had cost her over $60. For someone trying to save money, she really was burning through it fast. But! Kylie had the comfort of knowing she made a friend from all this! As the duo strode into the diner, the newly blonde woman spotted a dark blue Bugatti near the back of the restaurant. [color=salmon]”Wow, it looks like a fucking celebrity ended up at this hellhole.”[/color] Kylie muttered, wondering what rich son of a bitch decided to eat her family’s waste. Disregarding the fancy car for now, she held her breath when she saw Sophi waiting on overly dressed asshat-looking guy. Why was that guy wearing shades [i]inside[/i]? More importantly though, would her sister see through this disguise? Scanning the rest of the room, the former redhead also noticed Jerry was here. Apparently the place was starting to get busy now, which was no surprise considering it was lunch time. Approaching the kitchen window that separated the cooks from the rest of the Diner, Riley placed three plates of food and muttered, "[color=seagreen]Order uh...up…[/color]" his voice trailed off when he saw two gorgeous blondes enter the building. He couldn’t help but get excited. Turning around, he went to Ron, “[color=seagreen]Yo man! Check out those sexy foxes! Two blondies! Man, this day couldn’t get any better![/color]” [sub][@The Muse][@Saint Girralo][@Themerlinhawk][/sub]