Vanessa smiled and when Ralph left, she smiled and nodded. Her eyes said the exact same message that Xaven would tell him once her had turned. She looked at Xaven and squeezed his hand as Ralph turned, something new opened up for her as a alpha.. She just had heard them talk and it felt weird. She handed her bottle, still half full, to Xaven. ''I've had enough beer for now'' she said and smiled. Daisy seemed happy about it but also like she still wanted to say something, yet she knew very well that it would be embarrassing for her son ánd for his girlfriend so she kept her mouth shut. Vanessa at the last bits of her second slice and then offered the third one she had laying on her plate to Xaven. ''Want some more? I've had more than enough'' she said and smiled. Lesley looked at Drake with a grin. ''Oh I wasn't much of a party animal, I just went to one every week and I dragged Vanessa with me at least twice a month so she would be with people and not just with herself.. At first she really was scared for the big amount of people and the first time she went along with me, she drank a little too much of the punch.. No body told her there was liquor in it and the next day she had this major hang over... I really felt bad for her'' she said and smiled at Vanessa. Vanessa shook her head smiling. ''Yeah.. Luckily I survived those years, but sometimes I really though you were trying to put me down'' she said to Lesley. ''I would never!'' Lesley returned and the girls laughed. ===In Town=== Tamara was done with her shift and took her car to drive home. She kinda felt scared to get home as she had not had any text message from Rover. She knew that meant he had a bad day and she just hoped that she would not have to defend herself again. She swallowed and got out of her car after parking it. She walked to the front door and opened up. A loud noise, music, came from the inside and she knew it was wrong business! She walked to the kitchen and saw several bottles beer standing there and started to clean up. ''Angel?'' she called for her german sheppard / Husky but the dog didn't come. She then looked under the kitchen table but when she didn't found her precious dog there, Tamara frowned lightly, did he put her in the small garden again? She sighed and walked into the living room. Loud music, a tv on the loudest while he played some racing game.. She knew she couldn't bother him but she had to ask where Angel was. ''Rover? Where is angel?'' she asked. Rover looked up and frowned. ''Why always that damn dog first?! I am your boyfriend, you should give me more attention'' he said. Tamara muted the music. ''You told me that she was my thing to take care of when I got her so I do that first and then I am there for you'' she said. ''Well, she is gone'' Rover said. Tamara blinked. ''Where?'' she asked. ''In the woods, I tied that stupid dog to a tree..'' Rover said. ''You did WHAT?!'' Tamara asked and felt how her blood started to boil. She suddenly felt a strong pain trough her whole body, little did she knew, it was a full moon that night and even though it wasn't out there. It did cause this pain and it felt horrible but she simply had to find her Angel first. ''Where is my dog?'' Tamara asked. ''Out in the woods, probably eaten already'' Rover said. Tamara turned to the door. ''I am going to get her and you will get your stuff and you are gone before I come back...'' Tamara said. She didn't know where this power came from but she felt strong. She then left the house and ran into the woods, every step hurt and she really didn't like it, but she had to get going.