[center][color=BurlyWood][h1][b][i]~Pinocchio – Jack Woodard~[/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/3df1a9fc0d9918b8175ff5d3f84021cd/tumblr_mw6gftCJqF1rru28vo1_500.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Jack Woodard. [b]Real Name:[/b] Pinocchio. [b]Age:[/b] 26. [b]Occupation:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zr3R1D7GUU8]Street Magician.[/url] [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age Thirteen):[/b] [img]http://image.toutlecine.com/photos/g/e/p/geppetto-2000--tv-06-g.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance - Today (Age Twenty-Six):[/b] [img]http://www.lifetimetv.co.uk/sites/default/files/assets/square/38222162_Witches_of_East_End_Daniel_Hallway_6016_1.jpg?itok=N-mzKLyN[/img] [b]Personality Traits:[/b] A bit of a womanizer, Jack carries himself with a high regard finding no wrong in what he does. He's cheeky, outgoing, flirty and all-together just fun. He carries himself like the bad boy he is and relies on his street smarts to get him from place to place. He's a quick thinker having been forced into many different awkward situations but rather than sit down and plan something out, he grasps for moments on a whim and deals with the consequences later. [b]Skills:[/b] Jack is very fit, therefore the more rigorous tasks of day-to-day life come fairly easy to him. He’s also quick on his feet as well as quick-minded. He’s an adept thief, using his quick wit to pick pockets or snatch things off the shelf without anyone taking notice. He's great with cracking codes to safes, picking locks, hot-wiring cars and using his rugged good looks to charm ladies into an evening of fun. [b]Biography (Before Earth):[/b] Long before Pinocchio became a puppet, Geppetto had fallen in love. He was a young boy then, and quite poor but Geppetto had spent many summers with a woman who he could one day see himself marrying. Each summer when she came to their little village to visit her uncle, Geppetto and Lia would go off together and bask in the warm glow of the afternoon sun. They had a particular spot they liked to go to, an old cherry tree on the top of a hill that provided just the perfect amount of shade to keep their skin from getting blistered. It was here at this tree where Geppetto and Lia fell in love, carving their names into the tree trunk in a heart and shared a many number of kisses. Geppetto had been set to marry this girl of his dreams, but the next summer in which she was supposed to visit... she never came. It was only years later that Geppetto had found out that a terrible illness had been brought over her, and she had died. Overcome with grief, Geppetto swore that he would never love another woman again. He went to their spot and cut down the cherry tree, salvaging only the part of the trunk where they had carved their names and returned home with it, putting it on display as a reminder of just how wonderful love could be, but also of how quickly it could slip through fingers. Many years later, Geppetto found that he was lonely. Despite his goldfish and curious cat Figaro, he knew that there was something still missing from his life. In an effort to distract his thoughts, he came up with the idea to take the wood he had salvaged from the cherry tree and created a puppet boy out of it, the very vision of what his child with Lia would be if she had not died. For months the little wooden boy he had named Pinocchio sat on his shelf, staring back at him. And for months Geppetto prayed to anyone who would listen to turn his little wooden boy real. Finally, his prayers were heard and Geppetto was visited by The Blue Fairy. She brought life to the wooden puppet and told Geppetto that someday, if Pinocchio proved himself brave, truthful, and unselfish, he would become a real boy. At first, Geppetto was thrilled to have his wish come true but ended up running into a string of problems that very first night with Pinocchio. Being a naturally curious boy, Pinocchio would constantly ask unnecessary questions when Geppetto was trying to sleep showing Geppetto just how much patience he really had. They survived the night and Geppetto, with a fresh perspective on things, took Pinocchio out on the town to show him where they lived. Naturally, Pinnochio ended up getting into mischief when Gepetto introduced him to those they passed along their way in town, and later breaking Geppetto's heart when Pinocchio exclaimed that he didn't want to be a toymaker like his Papa; that he wanted to be a magician. The following day, Geppetto sent Pinocchio off to school so that he could interact with children his own age, telling Pinocchio to just act like all the other children did and he would do fine. However, Pinocchio got into a fight at school when he began to imitate all the other children until one had reached his boiling point. Disappointed, Geppetto took him home bumping into an unsuccessful puppeteer named Stromboli along the way. Stromboli became exceedingly interested in the boy made of wood, knowing that he could make a fortune off of Pinocchio as the main attraction in his puppet show, voicing his interest but Geppetto was quick to remove Pinocchio from the man's sight and take him home. Once home, Geppetto sent Pinocchio up to his room to think about what he had done, leaving Pinocchio near to tears unable to understand why he was in trouble for doing what his Papa had asked. Geppetto, still furious with Pinocchio's misbehavior, tried to reason with the Blue Fairy after Pinocchio had gone to bed but she insisted that there was nothing wrong with Pinocchio, that Geppetto just wasn't seeing the whole picture. Frustrated that even The Blue Fairy couldn't help him anymore, he went up to Pinocchio's room to apologize only to find that Pinocchio had run away to live with Stromboli. Figuring it was for the best, Geppetto went to Stromboli's show to say goodbye. Stromboli was more than pleased with Pinocchio as his star puppet but was even more pleased by the money he had brought in for him. But when Pinocchio started to feel a little homesick and asked to go back home, Stromboli refused and reminded Pinocchio it would violate the contract he had him sign. When Geppetto arrived just after the show had finished, Stromboli intercepted him and explained that Pinocchio had left after the show, claiming that he wanted to see the world. After Geppetto left with a heavy heart, Stromboli returned to Pinocchio but realized the boy was gone, just managing to spot him boarding a stagecoach to Pleasure Island. Summoning The Blue Fairy to tell her what had become of his son, The Blue Fairy was outraged that he had let such a precious gift go. She quickly informed Geppetto that Stromboli had been lying to him, and that Pinocchio was headed for Pleasure Island. Terrified for his son, Geppetto got ready for a journey to save his son. When he arrived, Geppetto found it harnessed a terrible curse in which all the boys were turned into donkeys after riding a roller coaster. He arrived just as Pinocchio was boarding the roller coaster and begged for Pinocchio to come home with him but Pinocchio refused, saying that Geppetto didn't want him because of what a big disappointment he was to him and the ride took off. Almost immediately Pinocchio was turned into a donkey and was stuffed into a crate to be sent away from Pleasure Island on a boat. Geppetto got his own boat and followed after his son, calling out to him and telling him that everything was going to be okay but a monster of a whale came to the surface and swallowed up Gappetto and his boat whole in one gulp. Pinocchio managed to break free of his constraints and jumped into the water after his Papa, ultimately getting swallowed by the whale as well, the curse of being a donkey washing away in the water. Finding his Papa inside the belly of the whale, Gappetto apologized for the way he had treated Pinocchio and Pinocchio forgave him. Then the wooden boy got an idea of how they could get out and return home so he began to tell a random strand of lies, making his nose grow and tickle the whale's uvula to throw them back up. Back home and finally able to understand one another, The Blue Fairy came to Gappetto once again to tell him of the threat of The Dark Queen. Geppetto begged to have The Blue Fairy arrange it so that Pinocchio would be safe, but The Blue Fairy told him that the portal to Earth was for the royal family, and Geppetto despaired. Feeling guilty, The Blue Fairy then amended her statement by saying that she would see what she could to and took Pinocchio with her to discuss something to be arranged with the organizers. Once there, it was decided that Pinocchio, since a great deal older than the other children, could go if he promised to stay with them, look after them, and help them to remember who they truly are in their hearts. Pinocchio promised and was presented with a magical amulet and was informed that when the time was right, they would have the option to return home. [b]Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Pinocchio spent his birthday living on the streets those first couple years. He wasn't sure how it happened but he and the other children were separated the moment they came to Earth. It was exceptionally difficult at first since Pinocchio hadn't ever had to do very much on his own before, but through trial and (much) error his time on the streets became easier and easier. It helped quite a bit that there were a handful of other boys his age who had been living on the streets their entire life who were willing to look out for him for a short time, reminding Pinocchio a bit of Pleasure Island. He knew what they were doing was wrong. Stealing hadn't been something he had ever thought about doing before but it seemed that it was his only option for survival now. He just hoped his Papa would understand. Two years after coming to Earth while raiding through a house on the richer side of town, Pinocchio was caught by the owner’s daughter, a few years older than himself. She was understanding towards Pinocchio's situation and though he didn’t go into his past or where he came from or even his name, she accepted him and did what she could to help him. Pinocchio was kept in a hidden room in the nursery where the girl would sneak him food as often as she could and while the parents were out, he was allowed to come out and socialize. It only lasted a few weeks before the parents found out their daughter was smuggling a fifteen-year-old boy and Pinocchio was taken to an orphanage immediately. When asked his name, Pinocchio simply responded with "Jack" since it was the only name he could think of, having heart it in passing before he had been taken to the Orphanage. He was adopted rather quickly into a home that immediately had Jack's skin crawling. It was a trashy place; the father always gone and the mother always coked up on some kind of drug. Jack was quickly put to work in what he quickly realized wasn't a family, but a job. He was forced to do the mundane tasks of a ‘gopher’ in the world of the drug trade, and hated every minute of it. He was beaten often, and fed very little. By the time Jack turned seventeen he had enough, and left without a word. Jack has been living on his own ever since, at first just picking up whatever odd jobs he could on the side until he came across a group of street performers that were more than willing to take him in and show him the ropes. Once he learned what it is that they did, he became appalled with the false display of magic; it was an upfront lie! Ever since he was a young boy he had always been taught to tell the truth. But Jack couldn't help but to feel closer to home than he ever had before. So throwing his conscious to the wind, he became a well renounced street magician, proficient in the art of lying and deception and made quite a bit of money in the process. [b]Other:[/b] Although perfectly human here on Earth, Jack is still supposed to be made out of wood so from time to time, Jack's limbs freeze up completely (as if they were made of wood) and renders them completely useless for a while. Also, never being put into any kind of schooling here on earth Jack has a lot of difficulty with reading and writing. [h3][i][b]~Theme Song~[/b][/i][/h3] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5eWhWueJd0]"On My Own" By Hedley.[/url] [/color] [img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Jack.gif[/img] [/center]