[h1][color=red]♥ - Skylar[/color][/h1] Skylar looked to Rodney when he spoke, and she held back a laugh when he had stuck his tongue out and let out a strange sound. So that was Mlem? It got the ghost to stop talking for a few seconds. Her eyes widened at the ghost's words and she let out a squeak, "[color=red]What?! Wait, no-![/color]" Before she could even continue, the ghost had possessed the rocks, and threw them at her and Rodney. She felt a sudden rush of adrenaline as the huge boulders and rocks were hurled towards her, and she found herself fluidly dodging, weaving, ducking, rolling under, and even jumping over all of the attacks. She panted heavily as she stared at the rocks that now lied on the ground incredulously. She must have gotten very lucky this time around! She then looked at the ghost, and decided to try for the third time. [color=red]ACT ---> INFORM[/color] "[color=red]Eeeeeeeeeeee, we don't want rocks! We just want you to stop attacking us, and give us a chance to talk to you![/color]" She really hoped that this time her words would reach the ghost, and hopefully, they can ask this ghost some questions and get some more information. If it doesn't though, then both her and Rodney can follow Hot Stuff's example and run away. [hr] [h1]♥ - Lorelei[/h1] Lorelei couldn't help but raise a thin eyebrow at how defensive Ash became over the subject of the human, instead of shouting about how he wasn't nude like he usually did. She especially found it very curious when the human girl stepped in front of Ash protectively and told her about the deal she made with Ash. She got over the surprise and confusion and instead a smile appeared on her face. She laughed "[color=plum]OOHOHOHO! Oh, DAHLINGS! There is no need to worry! I had no intention of starting a fight,[/color]" She then smiled at the human girl as she introduced herself, and she answered "[color=plum]It is absolutely LOVELY to meet you, Nina Dahling! I am Lorelei "Angel" Raine, THE STAR OF THE UNDERLAKE![/color]" She then whipped out a VIP pass from a hidden pocket on her white dress, and she handed it to Nina telling her, "[color=plum]Here, you can have this VIP pass for one of my concerts! It's my apology for scaring you a little earlier,[/color]" She then looked to Ash and she asked him, "[color=plum]So, Ash, Dahling! While I'm here, there is something I would like to clear up with you: I will be interviewing the Mayoral Candidates, and we still need to pick the date for yours Dahling,[/color]"