[sub] A collab featuring [@Anima][/sub] [center][u][i][b][h1][color=6A5ACD]Kimberly Thatcher[/color] & [color=92278f]Alyssa Paige[/color][/h1][/b][/i][/u] [img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/8d622644f5596a6d12369c30eab01e3a/tumblr_inline_nmocnuCkag1sdvp0b_500.gif[/img] [img]https://secure.static.tumblr.com/ce24285573575e9d33566d04f3ab5c2d/28meprp/CwUn5dyu5/tumblr_static_tumblr_static_d7x1atl8mo840g000g4o04skk_640.jpg[/img] Location: Jake's Cafe Interacting with: Vanessa [@BeautifulSnow], Alyssa [@Meiyuki], Riley [@Nallore], Miranda [@Damo021], and Avalon [@smarty0114] [/center] Alyssa's delusion of Vanessa's cooking collapsed as Miranda pecked Kimberly on the cheek. It was a small, chaste gesture, but Alyssa felt black jealousy coiling through her anyway. It wasn't fair to Miranda or Kim, and Alyssa knew it, but she wished she could be so carefree with expressions of affection. Alyssa walked a fine line. Be friendly, but not flirty. You can hug her, but not for too long. These and many more rules ensured that she didn't ruin Kimberly's friendship. Kimberly didn't need to know about Alyssa's pounding heart, or fluttering stomach. She felt her expression darken, and she fought to maintain her smile. Still taken aback from the very small gesture, Kimberly bit her lip as a torrent of emotions stormed through her thoughts. Did Miranda just kiss her? Not kiss kiss her, but she most certainly pecked her on the cheek. Turning around, she didn't see Miranda do the same to anyone else in the room. She turned back around and faced the door. For once in a very long time, Kimberly didn't know what to do. How to react. It was ... a pleasant impasse. [color=6A5ACD]"T-t-thanks..."[/color] Kimberly said to no one in particular. She turned back around and found her chair next to Alyssa still open. Her eyes trailing slightly on Miranda, she sat down and tried to process what'd just happened. She looked over at Avalon - the new girl. When Riley introduced her, Kimberly waved. [color=6A5ACD]"H-hey. Yeah, you should come out to the trip. Um, party."[/color] Turning around in her seat to face Vanessa and the cooking magic, she turned to Alyssa. [color=6A5ACD]"You sure you don't wanna get something to eat?"[/color] Alyssa's eyebrow arched as her eyes followed Kimberly's movements. Stumbling over her words wasn't something Kimmy did often. [color=92278f]"Yeah, I'm fine."[/color] She leaned in to whisper. [color=92278f]"Are you ok?"[/color] About to ask what Alyssa was on about, Kimberly remembered who Alyssa was. She was her best friend. They told each other everything. Well almost anything. Kimberly bit her lip. She couldn't bring herself to tell Alyssa they were the same. Lady power. [color=6A5ACD]"I'm ..."[/color] she leaned in towards Alyssa. [color=6A5ACD]"It was just kind of sudden. Did she give you a kiss too? Is that .. normal? I don't think Miri's done that before...?"[/color] Alyssa shrugged. [color=92278f]"I didn't get one this time, but it's not uncommon."[/color] Her voice lowered. [color=92278f]"Did it bother you that much? I can talk to her about it privately if you want, I see her most mornings."[/color] Hearing Alyssa's words clear as day, Kimberly couldn't help the pseudo-zoning as she thought about very recent past events. When Alyssa asked if it bothered her, Kimberly wasn't thinking. She answered on impulse. [color=6A5ACD]"I liked it,"[/color] she said. Looking at Alyssa, she blinked before her face went pure red. Kimberly got up from her chair. [color=6A5ACD]"I need some air. I'll ... be right back."[/color] Alyssa's heart went on a small roller coaster ride as Kimberly admitted liking the kiss. How did she like it? Was she a little curious then? Did she like Miranda....did that mean. Could Kimmy...maybe...like her then? Seeing the blush on her face as she stood only further confused her. Alyssa stood with her, whatever was going on Kimmy was struggling with something. She'd been there for Alyssa through thick and thin, and she wanted to be there for her. [color=92278f]"I could use some too."[/color] Her eyes silently offered Kimberly solidarity and support, she hoped. [color=92278f]"You know how antsy I get around large groups."[/color] About to tell Alyssa she didn't need to come with her, she saw the look. Sighing, she looked at the others. [color=6A5ACD]"We'll be right back. Riley? You better not scare the newcomer with your 'Red Lake Hospitality,"[/color] she said sticking her tongue out. She looked back to Alyssa. [color=6A5ACD]"Yet here are you braving a crowd. Come on."[/color] Leading the way outside, Kimberly took a deep breath in. The tension in her chest lessened ever so slightly. [color=6A5ACD]"Didn't mean to drag you out, Lys. I'm fine. I just need a moment."[/color] Once they were outside, in the open air, Alyssa let out a sigh. She really didn't do well around large groups, that much was true. She stretched her arms over her head, enjoying the way the sun felt on her skin, and the relaxing sensation in her body, as she gathered her thoughts. [color=92278f]"Don't worry about it Kimmy, but your face."[/color] Alyssa took a deep breath as she decided to be a little direct. [color=92278f]"Are you sure there's nothing you need to tell me? I-I don't want to push you, but...I've seen that face before."[/color] Kimberly rose an eyebrow. [color=6A5ACD]"Like, on me? When?"[/color] Alyssa looked away. [color=92278f]"I've seen it...in my mirror. A long time ago."[/color] Taking a deep breath, Kimberly ruffled her hair. She'd never felt this on edge before. Not with Alyssa, but this was new territory to her. Looking down at the ground, it was relatively clean of trash. Kimberly slid down and sat on her butt. She looked up at Alyssa. [color=6A5ACD]"Can you keep a secret?" [/color] Alyssa joined Kimberly on the warm pavement. She leaned over, bumping their shoulders playfully. [color=92278f]"Of course I can. Whatever you have to say stays between us. I promise."[/color] Kimberly held up her hand. [color=6A5ACD]"It's childish, but pinky swear?"[/color] Alyssa let out a small giggle. Her forefinger traced an X over her chest. [color=92278f]"Cross my heart and hope to die Kimmy."[/color] She locked their pinkies. While their pinkers were still locked, Kimberly stared into Alyssa's eyes. [color=6A5ACD]"... I ... I"[/color] She took a deep breath. [color=6A5ACD]"I don't like guys, Lys ... Now you promised! T-this is embarrassing..."[/color] Alyssa smiled softly. [color=92278f]"I know, and it stays between us for as long as you want, but do you feel a little better now?"[/color] Kimberly smiled. [color=6A5ACD]"The only other person who knows is Morgan. But, seriously Lys. Please don't tell,"[/color] she said. [color=6A5ACD]"I'm ... not sure how my folks will take it, if they knew. I'm pretty sure I'd take a mile of wind sprints over dealing with that."[/color] Alyssa smiled and nodded her head. [color=92278f]"I promise, but wind sprints aren't that bad."[/color] Kimberly snorted. [color=6A5ACD]"Right, but a mile? Of wind sprints? Um, no thanks."[/color] She looked at the ground. Alyssa just couldn't keep it in anymore, as much as she didn't want to ruin the best friendship she'd ever had she couldn't bear to push down the blooming feelings in her heart anymore. [color=92278f]"So...Kimmy...I...uh...I"[/color] She took a deep breath and mustered the courage she'd been saving for a moment like this. [color=92278f]I'm sorry Kimmy, but...I...think I kinda fell for you somewhere along the line."[/color] Once again, Kimberly's heart tightened up as if someone were crushing it. From Miranda's kiss to Alyssa's building question. Was this really happening. It might be. Kimberly wasn't sure. She'd never been in this position before. Course, a ton of the guys from school asked her out, but she rejected all of them. She'd only dated some guy back in 9th grade for a month. She never went back nor regretted that. But this? She was scared. She was excited. Was this right? Her eyes rose to meet Kimberly's again. [color=92278f]"I like you Kimmy, and not just as a friend. I'm sorry."[/color] Her face turned red, and her heart pounded at a mile a minute as she awaited her fate. Cognizant that their hands were still touching, Kimberly shifted it as she cupped Alyssa's hand in hers. She was sure she was blushing to the shade of roses. The previous assumptions were verified. [i]Holy shit...[/i] [color=6A5ACD]"Can ... you keep a secret, Lyssa?"[/color] Kimberly asked as she winked. [color=6A5ACD]"If you can, then my secret will become ours."[/color] The strangest thing happened. Alyssa's heart, which had been pounding in a staccato rhythm of fear, anticipation, and a small amount of hope, lept into her throat. A bright and unreserved smile broke across her face, she was soaring. She nodded quickly. [color=92278f]"I-I can!...D-does this mean we're..."[/color] As scared about all of this as she was, Kimberly returned the smile. [color=6A5ACD]"I said it'll be [i]our[/i] secret right? Give me some time. I'm still ... taking this all in. Are you okay with taking things slow?"[/color] she asked. Feeling her face burn - not from the summer day's heat - Kimberly picked at her shirt. She glanced back at Alyssa. [color=6A5ACD]"Are you okay if we don't tell people yet?"[/color] Alyssa's smile remained bright, she wasn't sure anything could remove it at this point. [color=92278f]"We can go at whatever pace is comfortable for you, and I'll keep my mouth shut. You'll need to tell me who you tell though."[/color] She blushed deeper - impressively enough - as she continued. [color=92278f]"Just...being here with you is more than I had dared hope for."[/color] Kimberly laughed as she nudged Alyssa with her shoulder. [color=6A5ACD]"See? You're not as stoic as you let on,"[/color] she said. [color=6A5ACD]"I've only told Morgan. Not even Riley. I feel terrible. I just ... it's not something I readily talk about. You just happened to catch the slip up."[/color] [color=92278f]"Sometimes I think I'm not [i]nearly[/i] as stoic as I'd like to be, but maybe I don't have to be."[/color] Alyssa could understand Kimberly's hesitation to tell anyone about her sexuality, it hadn't exactly gone well for her after all. [color=92278f]"Trust me, I get it. You'll tell them when you're ready, and I won't let on until you give me the go ahead. I came out when I was ready, I'm not going to force you to do it before you're ready. Ok?"[/color] [color=6A5ACD]"Thanks Lys,"[/color] Kimberly said as she gave her hand a squeeze. [color=6A5ACD]"I like the non-stoic side of you. More laid back, happy, stuff."[/color] She laughed. [color=6A5ACD]"God my words are jumbled. One of the rare few times. Take it in while you have the chance."[/color] [color=92278f]"No problem, and I'm glad you like it...I might turn into a softy in front of you once in a while now."[/color] Alyssa returned the squeeze happily. Looking back at the cafe, Kimberly gestured towards the doors with her eyes. [color=6A5ACD]"Should we head back?"[/color] she asked. [color=6A5ACD]"But Lyssa. Though I'm going to act like I normally do, don't forget what just happened. People don't know, but I know we're a thing. It's our secret, okay?" [/color] Alyssa stood grinning. [color=92278f]"I'll try not to get too jealous, but it'll be fine."[/color] She offered her hand and help Kimberly up. [color=92278f]"It's not like we don't spend plenty of time alone, I'll just contain my lovey doveys for then."[/color] With a rare giggle she turned back towards the cafe. Her steps may have been the same, but she was weightless inside. [color=92278f]"Thank you Kimmy."[/color] She added as a whisper just before pushing open the door. Taking Alyssa's hand, Kimberly got to her feet. She looked back through the window at their group. She turned back to Alyssa as she rose an eyebrow. [color=6A5ACD]"Did you just giggle? Whoa, okay. First time for everything,"[/color] she said. Walking back towards the entrance with Alyssa, she heard Alyssa's words as she fixed her the brunette with a quizzical stare. [color=6A5ACD]"You know? This is one of those instances where a 'thank you' doesn't really fit. This isn't like a BFF favor or something, ya know...? I ... wouldn't have said what I did if I didn't reciprocate, silly."[/color] Alyssa paused. [color=92278f]"If you hadn't had the courage to say what you did, I don't think I'd have been able to muster mine. I'm glad I don't have to keep this in anymore, I'm glad we understand each other."[/color] Her grin was still broad and her eyes steady as she turned to face Kimmy before they headed inside. [color=92278f]"That's what I'm thankful for Kimmy. Thank you for telling me. Oh, and get used to my giggle, it might be a thing now."[/color] Kimberly laughed. [color=6A5ACD]"Then you're most certainly welcome. That giggle's an incentive to stay,"[/color] she said. A small smirk tugged at her lips. [color=6A5ACD]"So this trip just got a wee bit more ... interesting? But we'll cross that bridge when we have to. Let's not keep the others waiting. Annnndddd, my fish and chips are probably cold. Oh well. It was worth it."[/color] With that, the two returned to the diner.