[centre][color=bc8dbf][i][h3]Cassandra[/h3][/i][/color] [img]http://slodive.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/cool-hair-color-ideas/natural-blonde-hair.jpg[/img] Location: Cafe Interacting with:[@Ace of flames01] Sophie [@BlackPanther] Aron and Gage[/centre] Cassie was still at the counter as the scene played out, and she hesitated as the woman left. The way the boys had acted, Cassandra could easily guess that this was their mother, for lack of a better word. She wondered, not for the first time, if there was some sort of abuse going on, but neither liked to talk about it, and Cassandra hadn't the guts to ask. Sophie reacted first, but Cassandra took the chance to paste te woman's face in her mind. She had a half-baked desire to chase after the woman and give her a piece of her mind. What Cassandra really wanted to do was bundle the boys up and take them home with her, but that would result in all sorts of trouble. She just had to hope they'd be okay until they were legally old enough to get out of there. Still, she would try and figure out a way of getting them out as often as she could. She headed into the kitchen, careful not to tread on any broken pieces of plate. She didn't know what so say, feeling like anything she could say would be inadequate. [color=bc8dbf]"Um. I'll wait on the tables, okay Sophie"[/color] She gently took notebook and pencil from Aron, giving him a smile, and even before she thought it, she reached up to stroke a hand over Gage's cheek, as if she could soothe away all the anger and agitation with such a simple touch [color=bc8dbf]"Come help me get the snacks after shift, for I'll surely buy too much that I can't carry it home otherwise!"[/color]