[center] [h2][b]Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo[/b] [color=yellow][b]Hana Kurosawa[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Hana looked at Asoka, eyes going a bit wide. Not because the admonishing, mind. That seemed on par with Asoka, but more like how willingly she was ready to forsake her sense of personal space to fit everyone in the car. Now that one, the doctor had not seen it coming. Perhaps she had judged her too hastily? Still, it seemed pointless to point out the hazards of cramming eight people in four seats, like flat tires, the police. Even more so if said car was, as Asoka let it slip, stolen. [color=yellow][i]Ah well, I hope we don't have to kill some doves or police in the third ward.[/i][/color] [color=yellow]"Buddha-chan..."[/color] Hana said in a longing manner, upon hearing Asoka's comment. Well, she had asked to be called Buddha, and Hana obligued. At least she deserved that much, unlike the rude kid who had rebuked her with a biting threat. That one was a wild uncouth beastie. She entered with almost feline-like steps inside the car, all the while she was texting the same person who had asked to bring the van to abandon the plan, and carry on with whatever business it had. The driver seemed a male ghoul, which was possitively annoyed at the sudden ghoul child parade cramming his car. She gave him a friendly stare.[color=yellow]"Oh my, hello there, mister. You seem a reliable driver. I'm doctor Hana, eldest stepsister of your boss. But you can call me Hana-chan! Reliable guys like you are a rare sight nowadays... could always use more..." [/color] She let the words purposefully linger while beaming at him, as she waited Asoka to assume her position on top of her lap. Typing deftly in her cellphone as she hugged Asoka on her lap, in a way that it was reminiscent of the old days, when the teenager Hana took care of the younger kids whenever the Old Man wasn't around, she then showed the GPS map to the driver.[color=yellow]"So, this is Hana-chan's place. Can you take us there, mr Kaien? I'd appreciate that."[/color] Hana said in a rather demure, polite manner, in contrast to Asoka's aggressive straightforwardness. Her eyes then rested on the awkward piling up of the rear seats. [color=yellow] "Are you guys fine there?"[/color] She asked, out of courtesy, before letting Kaien drive them to their destination.