[h2]Yukimura Sora[/h2] When the bell rang and everyone else started to leave the room, Sora... resolutely stayed where she was, sat at her desk and giving no indication that she would be moving any time soon. There were far too many people outside in the corridors right now, for the girl's tastes, and since there were no club activities for her to attend she had no incentive to leave. The tiny white-haired doppelganger instead stayed firmly in her seat at the back of the room, getting out her sketchbook and turning to a clean page. She already had one character drawn for her next project, so she should draw someone to compliment. The first one was small yet surprisingly... well-endowed, which meant this one... tall and boyish? Maybe a suit of some description, more like a noir detective than a butler. Getting caught up in her drawing, Sora was likely to still be sat in the room until someone came to lock up, if nobody noticed...