It's really not that hard to catch-up, I was more than clued in after reading (at this point) seven pages back. The only issue is if you want to have been in the city the whole time, but seriously, if you were a hero during all that stuff kicking off what were you doing, twiddling your thumbs? Point being, it seems intimidating, but an hour or two of reading and you'll know everything going on with the Pax arc, have some idea what the Cowl is up to and other murderers/Villains, laugh at the awesome Speedster bro and sis team, and peer at Racheli as she gets carried around the place while being infected by an evil space disease. And in between you get some random instances of giant eldritch creatures and apparently a team of American presidents, not to mention old timey witches and other things I confess to not really understanding. I picked that up in about two hours, it's definitely not impossible.